WHAT:  The KVKL would like to proudly announce the 2nd annual “After-The-Season-Already-Happened-Tournament.”  This tournament will serve a two-fold purpose.  It will allow us to show off our much heralded kball skills AND help raise money for Health Care Access (for information regarding their services see  In the past, members of the KVKL have relied heavily upon HCA services to help mend their broken bodies.  Our goal is to support another community oriented organization while doing what we do best….PLAY KICKBALL.

WHERE:  Lyons (East and West)

WHEN:  Early afternoon to late evening.  Either Saturday, Sept. 27th and Sunday 28th OR Saturday, Oct. 4th and Sunday Oct 5th.  Please provide feedback as to which may be better for your respective squads.  We will try to accommodate as many teams as possible….that’s partly why it will be a 2 day event.  If many teams become interested, we may be forced to use both weekends.

TEAMS/RULES:  1. Each team may only field 9 (NINE) players.  2. Each team may only use 10 (TEN) kicking slots on the scoresheet.  You may use as many different kickers as you’d like (see KVKL rules), but may only use 10 spots on the scoresheet.  One (1) scoresheet spot may be used as a designated kicker.  Please do not attempt to make this complicated and police yourself accordingly.  Field 9, kick 10.  3.  There are NO minimum or maximum requirements, so if a team wants to use an all female or all male roster, they are allowed.  4. ALL GAMES WILL BE PLAYED ON DIRT.  All other standard KVKL rules apply.

The KVKL will provide clipboards, scoresheets, scoreboards, and kickballs.  Please bring your own kball if you have a favorite.  Information on reffing, layout, and ANY rule revisions (if needed) will follow.  Each team will be guaranteed a minimum of 2 (TWO) games.  Please use the comment area below for questions, input, or if you are looking for teams/players.

FEES:  We ask a minimum donation of $50 per team (if you can spare more, it would be much appreciated).  The fees are tax-deductible AND ALL PROCEEDS WILL GO TO HEALTH CARE ACCESS.

REGISTRATION DEADLINE:  Please e-mail or call/text 785.766.9779 if you have a team that would like to participate by Monday, September 15th.  Fees will subsequently be due Friday September 19th.  Please make arrangements with Deron for payment.  Any and all volunteers or donations would be greatly appreciated!  Thanks all!