2024 Season

Week 1 - May 19th

YSC 1 at 5:00 pm
Honey Badgers 5
at Global Cafe 20

HB didn't check the ball and it was flat (deflategate!), changed ball in top 3. Sick ass catch on Kyra to end 4th. In the park HR to score 3 by Matt in 1st. Matt RKO King! Sick in the park HR in 6th by Isacc. Sick throw by Eric on Jimmy in bottom 3.

YSC 1 at 7:00 pm
Recess Rejects 9
at Late Fees 6

Amber kicked ass!

YSC 2 at 5:00 pm
Ghosts 7
at Harpies 11
YSC 2 at 7:00 pm
KBC Tropics 4
at Young Spine 7

Aidan, very solid, fast! Ladies had some solid plays! Top 7 bases loaded - zero runs scored w/ zero outs.

YSC 3 at 5:00 pm
Taco Zone 6
at Love Garden 4
YSC 3 at 7:00 pm
Schoonies 10
at Empire 11

Jade rips the fuck out of the ball.

YSC 4 at 5:00 pm
JDE Shyft 3
at Post Haus 4
YSC 4 at 7:00 pm
AsteroidHEAD 5
at R-Bar 7
YSC 5 at 5:00 pm
Red Lyon 7
at Sacred Sword 10
YSC 5 at 7:00 pm
Free State 11
at Red Legs 25
YSC 6 at 5:00 pm
Ringers 26
at Bald Beavers 11
YSC 6 at 7:00 pm
Woost 5
at Midnight Tokers 9
YSC 7 at 5:00 pm
Shirt Factory 15
at Sod Squad 3
YSC 7 at 7:00 pm
Sciport CBK 17
at Rockets 2

Run rule after 7.

YSC 8 at 5:00 pm
Rick Rollers 11
at LFK Rays 7
YSC 8 at 7:00 pm
Corksuckers 6
at Soda Jerks 8
Hobbs Park at 7:00 pm
Johnny's 16
at D-Holes 1

Week 1b - May 23rd

Lyons West at 7:00 pm
Yuengling 10
at Jazzhaus 8

Shipley great double play in bottom 6. Bottom 3rd player stalled to leave field. Thought 3 outs. Walked back time was called player safe. 11 spot scratch 4th inning.

Week 2 - May 26th

YSC 1 at 5:00 pm
Love Garden 18
at KBC Tropics 1
YSC 1 at 7:00 pm
Soda Jerks 22
at Ringers 2
YSC 2 at 5:00 pm
Shirt Factory 9
at Global Cafe 10

Solid bunt from Willoughby to start the 2nd. And she scored! Great def from Bri at 2 - quick out and back to pitch. Great kick from Aaron top 7 to score Paul (blooper over 3) and then a slide into 2. Cute assist from Riley at rove to the LF for an out top 8. Rylie getting it started top 9. Solid catches from Kayla in Left Field. Great base running from Vivian to score in 3rd. Great bases loaded single to score 2 in the 3rd from Kayla. Matt too! Blew score open in the third. Definite shots to get outs at 3 was pretty.

YSC 2 at 7:00 pm
Johnny's 5
at Red Legs 3

Nick great throw out to stop score at home in 2nd and 4th inning. Nick with great catch top of 7. Austin great catch in 7. Kava w/ RKI in 8th to get on board. Trey w/ RKI with 2 outs in 9th. Jose RKI keeping alive. Great fight in last two innings! Emily great kick in 4th to get an RKI. Great catch by Shane to end the 5th. Jeff great kick in 6th w/ RKI.

YSC 3 at 5:00 pm
Woost 15
at Free State 11

High, fun energy, as always. Good on field communication! Nice slide by Missy at the end of the 3rd. Looked professional. Lots of positive chatter on field.

YSC 3 at 7:00 pm
Post Haus 20
at D-Holes 2

Simon with home run on a bunt w/ errors (8th inning). Arie with an under the legs toss to 1st to get Betsy out (8th). D-Holes: very cool heads, class act team. Josh M (PH) with a line drive catch at 3rd--stinger.

YSC 4 at 5:00 pm
LFK Rays 13
at Empire 5

Great kicks by Kate in 6th on two outs to get two runs in. Scratched Jon for injury in 5th. Smart base running by Emberly.

YSC 4 at 7:00 pm
Midnight Tokers 21
at AsteroidHEAD 8
YSC 5 at 5:00 pm
Sod Squad 15
at Recess Rejects 10
YSC 5 at 7:00 pm
Rockets 2
at Yuengling 18

Run rule in 7th inning stretch. Great game to ref!

YSC 6 at 5:00 pm
Corksuckers 20
at Bald Beavers 4

Nice play for double out in 7th by pitcher from Beavers. Tony kick bounced over fence for triple. Nice catch by Ben to end the game.

YSC 6 at 7:00 pm
R-Bar 3
at Sacred Sword 18

Devin 3 run homer 1st inning. Solo HR 4th. Sacred Sword bunting while up 14 in the 8th. MSB has the best 'stache in the league. I fucked up scoreboard, my bad.

YSC 7 at 5:00 pm
Jazzhaus 1
at Young Spine 37
YSC 7 at 7:00 pm
Harpies 7
at JDE Shyft 14

Nick sweet diving catch in right foul territory top 8. Jeff just misses a homerun to left field in the 2nd. JDE Poff grounded rip to left in 3rd.

YSC 8 at 5:00 pm
Ghosts 13
at Sciport CBK 18
YSC 8 at 7:00 pm
Late Fees 4
at Red Lyon 10
Hobbs Park at 7:00 pm
Schoonies 2
at Rick Rollers 20

Run rule in 6th. Joe fake throw to hit runner at 3rd.

Hobbs Park at 9:15 pm
Taco Zone 20
at Honey Badgers 6

CF great catch in 1st inning.

Week 3 - June 2nd

YSC 1 at 5:00 pm
R-Bar 14
at Woost 15

Dre scratched top 3 - Sam ran for him. No auto out b/c legal line up still. Chris with inside the park HR 1st inning. Dan w/ in park HR bottom 3. Great teamwork between pitch and 1st for 3rd out at 1st.

YSC 1 at 7:00 pm
LFK Rays 11
at Corksuckers 9
YSC 2 at 5:00 pm
JDE Shyft 7
at Love Garden 8

JDE good comeback attempt in the 9th, just fell short.

YSC 2 at 7:00 pm
Red Lyon 5
at Ghosts 6

Sweet running by Vaughn. Jas ran down Jerod in 6th. Pete 2 good catches in 7th. Perfect tag out of Colton on heel bottom 8. Aduan walk off kick to right field in 9th.

YSC 3 at 5:00 pm
Rockets 15
at Schoonies 11
YSC 3 at 7:00 pm
Jazzhaus 2
at Recess Rejects 5

Great base running from Jani to score from 2 in the 4th from Damson too.

YSC 4 at 5:00 pm
Taco Zone 6
at Johnny's 12

Top teams - class act. Meyers 2 RKI triple bottom 4.

YSC 4 at 7:00 pm
Sod Squad 9
at Young Spine 20
YSC 5 at 5:00 pm
Late Fees 9
at Sciport CBK 13

7th Alysha awesome Messi like (?) running to score. 8th Ally score on error from 1st.

YSC 5 at 7:00 pm
Ringers 5
at Midnight Tokers 18

Ringers played better than the score. 7th inning amazing double play. Captain of Ringers is being so uplifting and supportive. Great coach. So far 2 foul outs. There has been an insane amount of fouls. Trey is doing so good at 1st ref. 3rd base for Tokers is a Dawwg. Ladies for Toker kicked amazing.

YSC 6 at 5:00 pm
Red Legs 15
at Honey Badgers 3

Trey inside park homerun 6th.

YSC 6 at 7:00 pm
Empire 0
at Bald Beavers 7

Arvelle hit an in the park home run 🙂

YSC 7 at 5:00 pm
Soda Jerks 8
at AsteroidHEAD 4

1st base interference bottom 2. Great pitcher and 3B combo catch top 5. Rover great catch top 9. Erin injured bottom 2. Derrick good catch bottom 4 and bottom 9.

YSC 7 at 7:00 pm
Rick Rollers 12
at Yuengling 7

David with the sneaky sneak top 4. (Note: Rick Rollers need to turn in equipment well before 9:50pm)

YSC 8 at 5:00 pm
KBC Tropics 3
at Harpies 4

Inning 5, Matt Pendry broke arm--scratched. Alex called encroachment on catcher after a warning. 5th inning, encroachment called on bunt blocker.

YSC 8 at 7:00 pm
D-Holes 10
at Shirt Factory 26

Amber painted line in 8th (bunt). Cedric HR w/ DHole errors in 8th to tie game up. Ian collision at 1st in 7th inning w/ Paul Santos.

Hobbs Park at 7:00 pm
Global Cafe 21
at Post Haus 5

Week 4 - June 9th

YSC 1 at 5:00 pm
Global Cafe 16
at R-Bar 3

Rbar: 3B great catch top 7, 2nd base great double play top 1! Short stop great catch top 6. Kevin long triple bottom 6, thrown out at home. Global: AO nice 2 RBI single top 8. Kayla great diving catch bottom 9! Mike took 4th in pregame pickleball tourney.

YSC 1 at 7:00 pm
Sod Squad 0
at Rick Rollers 7

Rick Rollers: Double play bottom 5. 3B caught ball, throw to 1st out--kicker interfered with 1st basewoman (Kelley). Diving catch 3rd baseman top 8. Sod: play at plate to end 4th. Double play top 8.

YSC 2 at 5:00 pm
AsteroidHEAD 2
at JDE Shyft 17

Scott had multiple diving catches at center. All AsteroidHead ladies had perfect kicks in the 2nd inning.

YSC 2 at 7:00 pm
Woost 2
at Ghosts 8

Ghost: Corban FAST! Pete great finger tip catch top 6. Woost: Jacki with 3rd and 4th outs of 5th inning. Daniel amazing catch for 2nd and 3rd outs bottom 7.

YSC 3 at 5:00 pm
Harpies 17
at Jazzhaus 0

Run rule, 17-0 in 7th. Went 1 more for funsies.

YSC 3 at 7:00 pm
Rockets 3
at Sacred Sword 29

SS: Alyssa bad bitch catch in 7th. Washlee amazing grand slam in 5th. Huddy great bunt 1st inning and real fast. Colby amazing kick on 1st base line in 1st. Josh amazing kick w/ RKI from a homer. Teagan flawless bunt down 3 lead off in 3rd! The way SS can kick is nuts! Rockets: Phil amazing kick to start 8th inninc. Home run lead off Kevin in 8th. Tim nice line drive to get on in 1st. Mary great bunt to lead off 2nd. Lexi with a bomb in 4th. Ladies were great! Lexi perfect bunt down 3 in 7th! Josh perfect kick between 1 and 2, RKI from 2nd!

YSC 4 at 5:00 pm
Soda Jerks 1
at Taco Zone 11

Soda Jerks: Double play by Taco Zone in 2nd and the 3rd. Nice catch Tierney in 6th. Amazing kick by Janae in 2nd - 2 run triple. Force out double play by Jerks in 7th.

YSC 4 at 7:00 pm
Love Garden 15
at Yuengling 1

Interference at 1st to pull back a double from Jake.

YSC 5 at 5:00 pm
LFK Rays 2
at Johnny's 19

Zach HR in 1st. Zach HR in 3rd. Zach kick far. Rays RF sliding catch in 5th. Emberly with great dance moves. Jesse with score in 6th close play at plate.

YSC 5 at 7:00 pm
Honey Badgers 29
at Empire 0
YSC 6 at 5:00 pm
Ringers 2
at D-Holes 32

HQ's Berrett great diving catch bottom 3. Bickel HR leadoff bottom 1.

YSC 6 at 7:00 pm
Post Haus 19
at Schoonies 1

Thaddeus front flipped over fence to try to catch ball kicked by Richard in 5th. Ashley injury, Betsy moves to 11 in top of 7. Simon had beautifully placed kicks. Liz had great plays/catches at pitcher.

YSC 7 at 5:00 pm
Recess Rejects 1
at Red Lyon 18

Mid 7, run rule 18-1

YSC 7 at 7:00 pm
Late Fees 9
at Free State 20

Double play in top of 4th for FS. FS kicked around in 6th. Great catch by Alysha at 2nd with center fielder running into her legs. Ben with a very good catch in RF. Ali on Late Fees has a great leg. Nef plays a mile away from the plate as catcher but still produces outs.

YSC 8 at 5:00 pm
Sciport CBK 11
at Red Legs 18
YSC 8 at 7:00 pm
Midnight Tokers 6
at Shirt Factory 12

Dante in the park HR in 1st. 2 run kick sac fly by Dante in 6th. Kick out by center for Tokers in 8th. Nice throw from LF, it tags Ians foot. 3B and C for Tokers are lit (not in the way the team name suggests).

Hobbs Park at 9:15 pm
Corksuckers 2
at Young Spine 14

Cork: Clint should pierce those nips. Many overthrows and bobbles to 1st. Stand up triple by Joe in top 9. Young Spine: error by catcher leads to bunt triple / RKI for Mookie. Top 3 double play by Rhyleel. Double play bottom 5.

Week 5 - June 16th

Broken Arrow Park at 5:00 pm
Recess Rejects 8
at Midnight Tokers 23

Recess: Ashley 2 RBI double 4th, Ashley great catch in bottom 7th. 1B great catch 8th. Tokers: Tank nice RBI double top 2nd. Cheske 2 run triple 2nd. Jackson HR bottom 8. Tokes batted around in 8th. Everyone scored. Won by run rule bottom 8th. (continued playing for fun)

Broken Arrow Park at 7:00 pm
Rick Rollers 20
at Corksuckers 11

Rick: 3 double plays--ended game on one.

Broken Arrow Park - Small Dirt at 5:00 pm
Free State 8
at KBC Tropics 6

Free State: Double play by KBC SS in 1st. Ben left early in 6th. Dead ball out. "What a weird field this small dirt is." KBC: 1st inning KBC loaded bases w/ 1 out and fail to score. Abigail deep sac fly in 3rd. KBC bunt w/ bases loaded in 5th, it did not work.

Broken Arrow Park - Small Dirt at 7:00 pm
Yuengling 9
at Red Lyon 18

Red Lyon: Home run by Austin in bottom 3, burned center. Good bunt up first by Todd in bottom 6. Kicking Clint in 6th. Home run bomb by Austin to center in bottom 7th. Vaughn aggressively called for ball and then dropped the pop up. Yuengling: Good wide receiver catch by Shane in bottom 3rd.

Lyons East at 5:00 pm
Jazzhaus 5
at Soda Jerks 12

Jazz: Annie clutch catch at rover in the 6th. 2 late arrivals added to 11 spot. Jaikaila had a perfect left side kick in the 6th. Hunter--2 run homerun in the 8th. Soda Jerks: Derek kicked a bomb to left field in the 1st--3 run homer. Josh kicked a perfect line drive in the 4th for 2 RKIs. Great kicking all around.

Lyons East at 7:00 pm
Sciport CBK 14
at Woost 6
Lyons West at 5:00 pm
AsteroidHEAD 9
at Late Fees 5

AsteroidHead: Nice catches in 2nd for 3 up 3 down. Great base running by Lindsay. Fun teamwork catch by 2nd and short bottom 4 (Kirsten and Raelean). Mark set up catch to himself bottom 7. Yellow vs. yellow jerseys. Great kicks by ladies in top of 10th. Late Fees: Great pitching form by Robyn! Nice catch by shortstop top 2. Fun leap by Sindra to dodge ball. Great 3 up 3 down defense in top 6. Double play top 9. Most fun teams to ref! Great tunes.

Lyons West at 7:00 pm
Red Legs 4
at Taco Zone 12

Red Legs: Liz - Suicide squeeze, RKI. Lee - don't even kick to Lee. Angela - all 3 outs 8th inning. P - stellar plays.

South Park at 5:00 pm
Bald Beavers 12
at Rockets 23

Rockets: Jason to Sid in 4th (illegible writing). Kevin grand slams 5th w/ 2 outs. Bald Beavers: Hauber HR 9th deep kick. The game was good. The bbq was better.

South Park at 7:00 pm
D-Holes 7
at Honey Badgers 10

D-Holes: Great catch by Sam to end 2nd. Honey Badgers: Bottom 3 Brooksy bunted and touched the ball again in fair territory. In 4 Lucas did a front flip to dodge a throw and landed both feet on home to finish the HR.

"Dad" Perry Park North - 1 at 5:00 pm
Ghosts 6
at Sod Squad 5

Ghosts: Bobble in outfield ground catch runner safe Lex 3rd inning (?). Ground ball nutmegged 3rd base in top 7. Top line runner thrown out at 3rd base line. Sod Squad: Force out at 2nd bottom 1st disputed 2 runs. But up first base line wavered foul 5th. Field fell and bobbled 4 times caught out bottom 8 (?).

"Dad" Perry Park North - 1 at 7:00 pm
JDE Shyft 1
at Johnny's 6

Shane 1st pitch HR bottom 2.

"Dad" Perry Park North - 2 at 5:00 pm
R-Bar 17
at Schoonies 2

Sean has sexy legs.

"Dad" Perry Park North - 2 at 7:00 pm
Sacred Sword 10
at Harpies 8

Staci scratch in 6th. Double by Bailey in 2nd. Hud close play in 7th. Ruled out. Good running by Nashee in 8th to tie. Sacred Sword still running their mouths in this game.

"Dad" Perry Park West - 1 at 5:00 pm
Young Spine 14
at LFK Rays 8

LFK Rays: Jesse w/ hops at home to score in the 5th. Jesse does "not support black on black crime." So he did not run home in the 7th and chose to score the next kick. Young Spine: They came, they kicked, they win.

"Dad" Perry Park West - 1 at 7:00 pm
Shirt Factory 4
at Post Haus 5

What a verdant setting! Also, quite devoid of delicious shade. Ricky made a catch at first on his butt. Ian planed at pitcher and got a face full of grass so Steve could make out at first (LSF). Shirt Factory nearly staged a comeback. Nearly. But not quite. Post Haus win.

Hobbs Park at 7:00 pm
Empire 23
at Ringers 7

Austin inj top 3. Empire ladies fuck 🙂 Nick double play! Great awareness. Ringers are so vocal and getting better every inning. Ringers got boots. Arvelle got hands. Willow 2 triples! So glad they're back. Anna stood on 1st and watched runners from 2nd and 3rd score. It was awesome! But not great base running.

Hobbs Park at 9:15 pm
Love Garden 3
at Global Cafe 18

Week 6 - June 23rd

YSC 1 at 5:00 pm
D-Holes 5
at KBC Tropics 6

Drennan scratched 5th inning. Encroachment by D-Holes 9th inning. Bickel tagged out at home. Ariel had a nice bunt in 7th (Bunt not Butt). Issue with lineup - Kelsey kicking instead of Megan.

YSC 1 at 7:00 pm
Red Lyon 9
at Corksuckers 11
YSC 2 at 5:00 pm
Young Spine 6
at Free State 4

Young Spine def: triple play, bottom 1 w/ 3 on. Bloody ball in top 5th.

YSC 2 at 7:00 pm
Rockets 0
at Midnight Tokers 15
YSC 3 at 5:00 pm
Bald Beavers 10
at Late Fees 21

Bald Beavers: Ali made all 3 outs in 6th. Nice catch by Alysha at RF in 7th. Make that 2 great catches. Caliel popped the ball with a kick in 8th. Curly got triple on bunt over throw at 1st. Late Fees: One handed catch by SS (Eli) in 5th. Great tunes byy Late Fees per usual. Homerun by Nef in 7th to get the lead.

YSC 3 at 7:00 pm
Sciport CBK 21
at Empire 6

Sciport: Tripp with a 2 RKI homer. Willow with great out at home. Willow with a run down on Shawn at home. Steph with an awesome catch at pitcher. Empire: Keishanwith a in the park homer in 1st. Rosa had an offensive interference which we had to all out for a double. Adam with a sliding catch for a 3rd out.

YSC 4 at 5:00 pm
Soda Jerks 2
at Rick Rollers 17

Rick Rollers: Jeff told base runner to run when pitch had the ball. Jerks: Great double plays by the Jerks.

YSC 4 at 7:00 pm
Shirt Factory 20
at Harpies 3

LSF: Paul did not kick but enough already rule was enacted so lineup remains legal.

YSC 5 at 5:00 pm
Yuengling 14
at AsteroidHEAD 5

AH: Tunes were on point. Yuengling: Harden HR on bunt in 5th. Jason triple in 6th. Shipley grunts are on point too.

YSC 5 at 7:00 pm
Honey Badgers 12
at JDE Shyft 5

HB: Kenny ballsy back to back doubles top 5. Kenny great kicks all game. Sav awesome bunt top 8. JDE: Kaelyn awesome catch to end 6th. Doc beautiful 1B line bunt bottom 4. Mendoza perfect liner in 4th.

YSC 6 at 5:00 pm
Ringers 17
at Schoonies 1

Ringers: Brooks 1st inning HR! Barrd perfect gapper for a triple. Back to back HRs for Brooks. Great kicking by whole team! Brooks: "Thaddeus? More like Daddy us!" Much improved from last season. Schoonies: Double play in 1st to contain some of the ringers momentum. Centerfield has an arm. Deron scratch in 2nd. Still meet requirements. SS tap up to centerfield for catch and double play top 3. Great kicks by Tozer. Nice catch by RF in top 5. Zach great catch at catcher with pop up bunt. P.S. I don't recommend slides into 1st Sean! Great fight in bottom 6 to try to keep game going.

YSC 6 at 7:00 pm
Taco Zone 7
at Global Cafe 5

Thanks to Nick from Screamers for pitching warmups for us. Alex scratched in 6th. Janae triple and 3 RKIs in 5th. Mags never played. Jimmy out in 5th.

YSC 7 at 5:00 pm
Love Garden 25
at Red Legs 18

Great kicks! Walker D and Spencer bounce over the fence triples. Tre over the fence triple. Great kicks by both teams.

YSC 7 at 7:00 pm
LFK Rays 6
at Ghosts 13

LFK: Emberly was a great coach and motivator. Love the women empowerment! Ghosts: Adam homerun in 5th. Coran great triple. Great vibes. Shoutout to Kelsey, great job!

YSC 8 at 5:00 pm
Recess Rejects 7
at R-Bar 22

Recess: Josh's bday today! R-Bar: James out of park triple 5th. MSB lucky he scored in 7th. Gabi walk off Riki.

YSC 8 at 7:00 pm
Woost 15
at Jazzhaus 7

Jazz: Double by Vila in bottom 8. Woost: In the park HR by Dan top 7! Rock with run saving catch deep in left.

Hobbs Park at 7:00 pm
Sacred Sword 21
at Sod Squad 13

Sod: Nice hands by Ross 3rd out in 3rd. Nice 2 out rally bottom 4. Great lead off kick by Kelley bottom 6. Outstanding 3rd out by Ross top 7 and top 8. Nice defence for 3 outs with bases loaded top 8. Sword: 1st inning really nice on the bround kicks. Good snag by 3b bottom 4. Great 5th inning. Efficient movement of base runners.

Hobbs Park at 9:15 pm
Post Haus 4
at Johnny's 12

Week 7 - June 30th

YSC 1 at 5:00 pm
Schoonies 4
at Woost 12

Jade twisted knee. IPA used.

YSC 1 at 7:00 pm
JDE Shyft 9
at Red Lyon 3

JDE: Scot slide home but tagged out by Aaron N. and another one on Avery. "Red Lyon be Red Lyon": Loud! Nice double play by Tod - Catch and then to Richie at 1st. Chris - Bday. Jarrod looks great in a bra.

YSC 2 at 5:00 pm
KBC Tropics 11
at Soda Jerks 12

Close game

YSC 2 at 7:00 pm
Midnight Tokers 8
at Late Fees 5

Kynser hard asf catch in 5th. Trent perfect just fair on 1st. Late Fees: RC with bases loaded perfect spinning grounder to score 2 runs. Ali double play in top 9th.

YSC 3 at 5:00 pm
Empire 12
at Jazzhaus 10

Empire: Great catch by pitcher. Amazing catch by Arvelle with a collision with Willow. Jazz: Willow for the catch to end the game. Great catch by Sarah in bottom 9 playing short and again in the 6th. Jazz several KBIs by the ladies.

YSC 3 at 7:00 pm
Corksuckers 0
at Honey Badgers 8

Cork: Great sliding catch by HB CF in top of 1. Great play by Aliyah in top of 7th. Awesome kick by Ben to burn CF for 2B in top of 7th. HB: Clutch 2 RKI single with 2 outs by Kenny in bottom of 5. Great plays by corksucker's 3B throughout the game.

YSC 4 at 5:00 pm
Bald Beavers 2
at Recess Rejects 9

Bald Beavers: Lots of confusion top 4, pickle top 6. Rejects: Pickle bottom 3, in field home run bottom 4. Awesome pitching by Amber!

YSC 4 at 7:00 pm
Free State 1
at Post Haus 8
YSC 5 at 5:00 pm
Rick Rollers 12
at D-Holes 14

Rollers outfielder burned running in circles trying to bait kickers in 3rd. Ariel missed tagging 2nd for an out and runner advanced. Shane great catch in the 7th. Some heads up plays missed by Rollers. Great play by Makalah in the 8th. D-Holes: Great kick by Hawman in the 1st. 2 out rally in the 6th led by an interference on 1.

YSC 5 at 7:00 pm
Ghosts 7
at Love Garden 14

7th Jose ran to 2nd base with Kelsey. LG: batted around in 1st. JR steals LF catch from dad in 2nd. Top 5 Jackie all 3 outs with double play.

YSC 6 at 5:00 pm
Red Legs 28
at LFK Rays 8

Tre home run in top 6 scoring 2. Fari HR kicks 3 in top 7.

YSC 6 at 7:00 pm
Young Spine 6
at Johnny's 16

Matte great catch B2. Owen great catch at pitcher B4. Johnny's: Shane inside the park HR B1. Myers scores on interference B3. Close play for final out.

YSC 7 at 5:00 pm
R-Bar 17
at Rockets 1

Gabi great bunt to load bases in 3rd. Skyler nice bunt RKI in 3rd. RBar kicked around 3rd. Calyx great hands at 1b. Gabi RKI with bases loaded to score Calyx in 9th. Rockets: Nice play at home by Sean in 3rd. Great kick by Lexi to lead off 4th. Nice bunt up 1B by Alyssa to lead off 6th. Great catch at SS by Tiffany to end 7th.

YSC 7 at 7:00 pm
Sod Squad 5
at Taco Zone 12

T puts out cig on bottom of foot. Ben great catch in RF. Han great catch on Lou bomb. Austin rallys ball to Noch for infield out. Timeout in 6th for 3rd to get sunglasses. Coach Matty can bunt up one!

YSC 8 at 5:00 pm
Global Cafe 27
at Sacred Sword 11

T4 great bunt up 3, solid bunts by Global ladies. Mike diving throw to 1st B5. Trey grand slam top 8 and solo HR Eli in top 8. Hank squeeze bunt B3. T4 Josie scratch. Liz moves to bottom of lineup. Liz catch at SS top 7. Both teams scored so many runs they killed my pen!

YSC 8 at 7:00 pm
Yuengling 0
at Shirt Factory 16

Great Vibes! Scratch Bri B6. Daonte Grand Slam! Bad A$$ girls did bomb!

Hobbs Park at 7:00 pm
AsteroidHEAD 0
at Harpies 7

AH forfeit, only 6 players.

Hobbs Park at 9:15 pm
Ringers 8
at Sciport CBK 23

Scott infield slam in 5th. Run rule before Kaolin's 6th kick.

Week 8 - July 7th

YSC 1 at 5:00 pm
Harpies 13
at D-Holes 8
YSC 1 at 7:00 pm
Young Spine 13
at Sacred Sword 11

Sacred Sword running 2 catchers??? Aaron w/ beautiful sit slide top 5. Josie with beautiful catch top 5. Colby with awesome catch on bomb from Mookie in 6th.

YSC 2 at 5:00 pm
Red Legs 8
at JDE Shyft 6

JDE: Lots of great plays by Jess. OVer the shoulder catch by Tony on a bomb to left. RL: Sick double play by Keith in top of 2. One hand pop up from Avery to Poff for 2nd out top 4. Another Keith DP in 5th. Avery to Mal for sick out top 3. Avery with a kick out to perfection top 9.

YSC 2 at 7:00 pm
Johnny's 2
at Global Cafe 4

Global: Bottom 3 Jimmy gets 3rd due to interference by Zack. Kerry is a bad ass pitcher, much love. Jimmy out in a pickle by Zach. Johhny's: Interference by bad throw from Mike to 1st in the 5th.

YSC 3 at 5:00 pm
Rockets 16
at Ringers 11

Rockets: Jason as always slays in red sequins. Sean great kick to SS in top 2. Evan all three outs in CF bottom 2. Teamwork catch Sean and Jason bottom 3. Tim HR in top 5. Troy 4 for 4! HQ: Andrew nice hop to dodge getting doubled up in bottom 2. Barrett can kick! Alice is a star! Kat has amazing lipstick.

YSC 3 at 7:00 pm
Post Haus 5
at Taco Zone 2

Post Haus great place kicks. Ricky line drive 3rd base line top 6. Austin safe at 1! PH great defense! KTZ: Noah injured run into pitcher bottom 2. Lou run in place. 3rd base great hands, Kenny double in bottom 9.

YSC 4 at 5:00 pm
Schoonies 6
at Midnight Tokers 10

Schoonies: Heads up running by Jon going from 2nd to home plate in the 1st inning. Tozer with a good catch at 3rd base, stuck his right hand out to stop the ball, tip it and caught ball. Alex at catcher with the kick out in the 3rd inning to get Lasker out running to 1st base. Good running catch by LF towards the foul line in 6th inning. Tokers: Good sliding catch on his knees by the RF for the 3rd out in the 2nd inning. Good slicing kick over 2nd base hole by Tank. Chaske with a triple over RF in 3rd inning. Good shoestring catches by the rover in the 5th and 6th inning. Double play ended the 6th inning by MT. 8th inning, 7 runs. Errant throw by SS to 1st base to allow TRent to score from 3rd base. Schoonies RF got exposed with separate kicks, including Sam burned that RF. Quite possibly one of the best ladies burn kicks over an outfielder I've ever seen.

YSC 4 at 7:00 pm
KBC Tropics 2
at Shirt Factory 23

Alex had a beautiful kick to LF during 5.

YSC 5 at 3:30 pm
Bald Beavers 0
at KBC Tropics 16

Anna scratch in 4th. Bryce kick to fence - caught. Sam double play 1st inning for Beavers. Tropics kicked through lineup in 4th. Aundrea amazing catch. Mikey HR in 2nd.

YSC 5 at 5:00 pm
Sciport CBK 17
at Bald Beavers 2

4th inning lot of clearing of bases by Sciport. Haley caught a bomb kick in right field in 5th. Morgan (catcher) kicks bunted ball for out at 1st. Bryce sweet line drive 2nd inning. Walter got out at home 5th inning. Alex caught nice line drove at rove.

YSC 5 at 7:00 pm
Corksuckers 11
at Ghosts 9
YSC 6 at 5:00 pm
Recess Rejects 10
at Woost 18

Kendrick 3 run HR top 3 (inside the park). Ellie great catch in 5th. Chris 2 RKI triple top 1. Chris 2 RKI double 4th.

YSC 6 at 7:00 pm
AsteroidHEAD 2
at Rick Rollers 8

AH: Over the line kick by Andrew in 2nd. Bomb to left by Colin top 2. Line drove by Colin in 7th. Double play by Malloy on infield fly in top 8th. Great kick by Lindsay in 9th. "Kevin is an idiot and lost count of outs in the 5th." (Kevin wrote this). RR: Double play by center on Alicia's kick, no tag by Josh. Between legs catch by Josh. Great catch by Steven in bottom 6. Great bunt by Alicia in 7th. Rundown on Shane, AH made the out. Heads up play by AH in bottom 8. Double play by Mike in 9th.

YSC 7 at 5:00 pm
Free State 4
at Sod Squad 13

Bottom 1st sliding catch by Travis in outfield to get the 3rd out. Aaron infield HR top of 3rd. Sick kick by Danielle in 4th. Great catch and double play in 6th to keep FS 3 up 3 down. 2 RKI from Kelley in 3rd. Force out in top 8, Ross with 1 handed throw.

YSC 7 at 7:00 pm
Love Garden 11
at Honey Badgers 1

There was a beautiful rainbow in the sky, Shipley: "It was great". Even though you can see it in the dots I carefully filled in, both teams had a foul out. Great base movement by Badgers in bottom 6 to advance on a col(?)

YSC 8 at 5:00 pm
Soda Jerks 6
at Yuengling 5
YSC 8 at 7:00 pm
R-Bar 0
at Jazzhaus 7

R-bar dugout drama. Lineup rules. Chris scratched. Joe scratched bottom 5.

Hobbs Park at 7:00 pm
Late Fees 10
at Empire 14
Hobbs Park at 9:15 pm
Red Lyon 14
at LFK Rays 6

Great game. Both teams played hard!

Week 9 - July 14th

YSC 1 at 5:00 pm
Empire 15
at Rockets 16

Empire: Good base coverage by Kate in 1st. Arvelle gives great hugs. Tomas to Arvelle relat to get Austin out, great throw Arvelle to Tomas. Sara great kick in the 4th, line drive dropped right behind 3rd base. Arvelle Scratched. Rockets: Lexi great foul catch in 2nd. Phil deep center kick in 2nd - in the park home run. 2 out rally in 2nd. Great kick Lexi in 6th.

YSC 1 at 7:00 pm
Sod Squad 7
at Red Lyon 18

Red Lyon in field home run bottom 5.

YSC 2 at 5:00 pm
Ghosts 8
at Free State 18

Free State: Torre diving catch 2nd! Travis good diving catch 5th! Batted around 8th!

YSC 2 at 7:00 pm
Rick Rollers 11
at Young Spine 10

Young Spine: Jeff throws to 1st even when he catches it and no one is on base -- very confusing. Rick Rollers: Tricky call in 5th (3rd base ref saw a double kick in fair territory). Maresa RKI bunt in 6th to tie.

YSC 3 at 5:00 pm
Midnight Tokers 7
at Sciport CBK 11

Tokers: Amazing catch by Katie top 6. Beautiful kick by Lesker top 9th. Sciport: Ladies are amazing! Great catch bottom 7 by 1st base (tokers). Amazing catch to end the game by Dustin.

YSC 3 at 7:00 pm
Bald Beavers 4
at R-Bar 20

R-Bar: Hauber doubling it up on Rbar runners in 3rd. James grand slam in 6th. 4th inning bases loaded and pop up drops onto runner standing on 2nd base, runner on 2nd out bounced to 2nd baseman who tagged runner from 1st.

YSC 4 at 5:00 pm
Yuengling 13
at Corksuckers 19

Chris 2R HR bottom 2nd. Ben double RKI bottom 5th. Screamers: Ben tag out play at home top 2nd. Ben double tag out top 6th.

YSC 4 at 7:00 pm
Woost 10
at Soda Jerks 14

Soda Jerks: Jeremy Bloom 2 run triple bottom 3. Sara beautiful kick to 3rd. Vinny great catch top 6. Derek double in bottom 6th. Extra Notes: Woost deserves PROPS! Both teams struggled with ball bobbles in the heat and sweat. Sara rocked great plays covering shortstop. Stacie A triple in the 7th, stranded. Jacki Becker multiple blooper shots over the infield to get on base. Best music at YSC. Danny broken finger/wrist in 8th. Overall great place kicking by Woost.

YSC 5 at 5:00 pm
Sacred Sword 16
at LFK Rays 4

LFK Rays: Score-keeper quit last inning! Sacred Sword: Josh got triple RBI 1st inning. Emberly good catch and throw. Double play pitcher to 1st base. Great left fielding from Pato (1st game). Good hands and quick.

YSC 5 at 7:00 pm
Late Fees 28
at Ringers 17

Ringers: Brenna great kick. RKI w/ Marsha. Amazing kick Barret in 1st. Dinker behind 2nd. Sliding home! Kat great lead off bunt in 2nd. Barret bad ass kick on 1st base line. Andrew great kick for RKI in 2nd. Colette great RKI. Marsha great dive in 3rd. Late Fees: Kale badass kick in hole to lead off. Alysha badass bunt in 1st. Styles great line drive in hole in 2nd. Sihdea 2 RKIs in 2nd! Alysha triple in 3rd - bad bitch.

YSC 6 at 5:00 pm
Harpies 3
at Taco Zone 18

Taco Zone: Run rule bottom 6. Friendly neighborhood domination. Harpies: Audra awesome diving catch in center. CB Rules!!!

YSC 6 at 7:00 pm
Schoonies 10
at Recess Rejects 6

Schoonies: Alex with a HR in the park top 9 - He almost could have capped Joe.

YSC 7 at 5:00 pm
Jazzhaus 23
at AsteroidHEAD 5

Shortstop caught great ball, Rumas hit with kicked ball. Hunter kicked bounce over fence! Shout out they playing 4 girls. AH: Played with 9 and no 3rd baseman. Colin kicked and kept running and out at home, almost home run.

YSC 7 at 7:00 pm
Global Cafe 21
at KBC Tropics 6

KBC: Nice RKI by Ryan top 1. Awesome double by Drennan top 1 for 2 RKI. Pendry with amazing catch top 3. Great kick to Rov spot by Kellie bottom 3. Great lead off kick by Kellie top 6. Nice play by 2nd base by Alex top 7. Global: Nice kick to SS top 1 by Kal for an RKI. Jimmy and Kayla teamworking in Outfield! Smart base running by Trey top 4. Lead off kick by Kal to LC. 3 R HR by Jimmy top 5. Perfect bunt down 1st base line by Liv top 5. Nice kick down 1 by Eli top 6. Lead off kick by Kayla top 7.

YSC 8 at 5:00 pm
Honey Badgers 4
at Post Haus 18
YSC 8 at 7:00 pm
Johnny's 15
at Love Garden 2

Love G right field is AWESOME!

Hobbs Park at 7:00 pm
D-Holes 5
at JDE Shyft 8

D-Holes: Brian Iron W scratched in the 4th. Megan scratched - did not play. JDE: 3rd inning - dead ball, ball in dugout, Nick proceeds to 3.

Hobbs Park at 9:15 pm
Shirt Factory 23
at Red Legs 3

Red Legs: Kara had an amazing good kick in 3rd but got hit wiht a sick throw right before 1st base. LSF: Bri w/ a sick catch and double play in the 1st. Liz kicked a triple in 5th on an error. Then got out at home next play on a great throw, Brett with a triple in 6th. Calvin also with a triple in 6th. It got way out of hand in the 7th.

Week 10 - July 21st

YSC 1 at 5:00 pm
Harpies 19
at Midnight Tokers 4

Harpies: Kat nice kick to rover in top 2, Andre bomb in top 2 for RKI; Max caught in little pickle top 3, Ellen nice kick to rover in top 4 for RKI; another bomb by Andre in top 4 for 2 RKI triple, Grant not a fan of Thomas's pants; Claire's tattoos are badass; classic Grant -- whole dugout says stay, runs anyway, fortunately safe at home for 2 run HR top 6. Bailey burned LF for RKI double top 8. Top 8, Grant another HR with probably ill-advised base running. Tokers: Lasker triple to start bottom 2; Glenn dives Lesker home with gorgeous gapper to 2; Jaden bomb to deep left, HR bottom 2; Jackson is very good at 3rd base; Kynser nice kick behind rover bottom 5; Hlenn nice overhead catch in LF top 6; Aggressive base running by Lasker in bottom 7 to get Tokes back on the board again; Score doesn't reflect it but watch out for Tokers in the tournament! They'll make some noise for sure!

YSC 1 at 7:00 pm
Taco Zone 12
at Shirt Factory 6

Janae and Angela had some great catches--they both set the ball and then caught it! Lots of close calls! Great Game!

YSC 2 at 5:00 pm
AsteroidHEAD 18
at Ringers 13

Nice triple volley catch by Ringers SS (#41) in top of 8th.

YSC 2 at 7:00 pm
Jazzhaus 11
at Bald Beavers 4

Jazz: Nice bunt by Jazz catcher bottom 2, Garnett double--1 run scored top 4. Hunter finger tip catch bottom 5. Bald Beavers: Bald Beavers great defense top 6, Nick high inflield fly double 1 run scored bottom 6.

YSC 3 at 5:00 pm
Johnny's 16
at Rick Rollers 0

Johnnys: Smart/Sneaky base running by Austin Meyers, Johnny's good, Kerry Great, Megan 2 RKI triple in 8th. Rick Rollers: Lots of speed and talent... they'll figure the situational stuff out. Great catch in center by Malloy. George is fun and has a great spirit. Always on base and great at all positions.

YSC 3 at 7:00 pm
Global Cafe 18
at Red Legs 3

Jordan Miller catches laser beam from Isaac. Run rule by Global, they pretty good!

YSC 4 at 5:00 pm
Young Spine 9
at Honey Badgers 10

Young Spine: Owen had a great double play in the 5th, Tyler tied the game with a great kick in the 7th. Honey B's: Dustin with a great line drive over center fielder in the 1st. Honeybadgers controlled the first half of the game and then Spine took over. In the 9th HB pulled it off.

YSC 4 at 7:00 pm
D-Holes 6
at Sciport CBK 4

D-Holes: Hawman scratch in 3rd with pulled quad; Ariel clutch kick top 8; Failure to tag not a force? Let's talk about it.... (I think the issue was: 1 out, 2 runners on, kick to outfield and caught for 2nd out, runner on 1st does not tag up; both runners cross home plate safely. Do both runs score? Does 1 score? Or does neither because the tag up is a force?) Sciport: Scratch Kevin bottom 6, Michael double plays back to back for D-Holes D; great kick better AJ catch top 9! Pinch runner for Shawn bottom 9.

YSC 5 at 5:00 pm
Post Haus 17
at Love Garden 9

PH: Simon 3 run HR 2nd (over fence), Outs on double play in 3rd, Ricky 2 RKI double in 8th, Richard triple in 9th. LG: Eric triple 1st, Spencer triple 7th, random commentator says best dancing refs! Jess big boot in 9th for RKI.

YSC 5 at 7:00 pm
Soda Jerks 15
at Sod Squad 6

Sod: E6 in 1st inning; Rex doing a great job calling "Time"; Kelley nice kick to center bottom 4, Chris paints the line with a kick in the 4th, E6 in 5th. Derek playing better after switching eyewear. Soda Jerks: Series of errors by Sod in the 6th led to a rally by Jerks; Beef Jerky energizes Adam. Jerking Energizes Jerks. Jerks came out with HUGE fielders mitt, presumably to catch all that... umm... jerk sauce.

YSC 6 at 5:00 pm
Free State 15
at Red Lyon 7

Red Lyon: Aaron got ground rule triple running 2 people to home bottom 8. Free State: Back to back home runs Aaron gets 2 RBI and in the park homers, Ian has a solo dolo homer, all that in top 8th.

YSC 6 at 7:00 pm
KBC Tropics 14
at Ghosts 15

KBC: Good catch by Drennon at 1st in the 2nd. In the park HR by Reece in 4th with 2 on base. 2 good outs by Alex in the 6th. Good job by KBC not getting down on themselves early and battling back. Good catch by Jaren in RF in the 8th. Got out on a triple play in 9th not tagging up. Ghosts: Good play by Colt in 1st to throw runner out at 3rd. Great kick Jasmine in the first! GRT by Corbon in the 2nd with bases loaded. Good play by Corban and Colt in 3rd to get Ryan out at home. Dumb baserunning by Colton and Corban in the 5th, should have been bases loaded 0 outs. Great catches by Junior per usual. Corban Grand Slam in 7th. Walk off in 9th.

YSC 7 at 5:00 pm
Corksuckers 8
at R-Bar 9

Wes had a great bunt!

YSC 7 at 7:00 pm
Late Fees 20
at Schoonies 14

Schoonies: Alex-triple RKI bottom 8th. Bottom 3-Mickey strikes out, Alex at 3rd popped up to pitcher for 3rd out top 9. Awesome diving popup from 2nd base to CF, double play to end 4th. Huge 3 RKI HR in bottom 5 by Thaddeus, sadly tagged out on big throw from RF. Flipped! Late Fees: CF sliding catch in 1st! Like Ronaldo! Huge error-filled HR scoring 4 in the 5th by Kale.

YSC 8 at 5:00 pm
Sacred Sword 7
at JDE Shyft 11

Sacred: Sacred Sword were a class act ALL game. JDE: Good place kicking by both teams. Josh (JDE) overran 2nd and tripped and laid there until he was tagged (I get it, bro).

YSC 8 at 7:00 pm
Recess Rejects 13
at Empire 25

Great kicking! Keishon 5 runs scored. Empire kicked through lineup in 4th and 7th.

Hobbs Park at 7:00 pm
LFK Rays 10
at Rockets 6

LFK Rays: Dillon 2 run triple in 2nd, good catch at third base by Jesse. Rockets: Good catch at 3rd by Tim, slick running by Tim in 3rd, great tip drill catch by Tori and Riley in 4th, double play in 6th, pitcher and catch, throw out at first, great catch at 2nd by Riley in 8th.

Hobbs Park at 9:15 pm
Woost 10
at Yuengling 16

Everyone kicked and ran bases well!

Playoffs Week 1 - July 28th

YSC 1 at 5:00 pm
33 Late Fees 23
at 32 AsteroidHEAD 12
Playoffs Round 1 - Play-in
YSC 2 at 5:00 pm
17 Free State 10
at 16 Soda Jerks 2
Playoffs Round 1
YSC 1 at 6:30 pm
25 Sod Squad 2
at 8 Honey Badgers 9
Playoffs Round 1
YSC 2 at 6:30 pm
24 R-Bar 4
at 9 JDE Shyft 11
Playoffs Round 1
YSC 5 at 5:00 pm
36 Bald Beavers 14
at 29 Rockets 15
Playoffs Round 1 - Play-in
YSC 6 at 5:00 pm
20 Midnight Tokers 9
at 13 Harpies 11
Playoffs Round 1
YSC 5 at 6:30 pm
28 Empire 1
at 5 Shirt Factory 29
Playoffs Round 1
YSC 6 at 6:30 pm
21 Corksuckers 5
at 12 Sacred Sword 20
Playoffs Round 1
YSC 3 at 6:30 pm
34 Ringers 8
at 31 Jazzhaus 18
Playoffs Round 1 - Play-in
YSC 4 at 6:30 pm
18 Ghosts 7
at 15 Sciport CBK 31
Playoffs Round 1
YSC 3 at 5:00 pm
26 Woost 3
at 7 Red Legs 17
Playoffs Round 1
YSC 4 at 5:00 pm
23 Yuengling 7
at 10 Young Spine 34
Playoffs Round 1
YSC 7 at 6:30 pm
35 Schoonies 13
at 30 Recess Rejects 11
Playoffs Round 1 - Play-in
YSC 8 at 6:30 pm
19 Red Lyon 10
at 14 D-Holes 11
Playoffs Round 1
YSC 7 at 5:00 pm
27 LFK Rays 3
at 6 Love Garden 19
Playoffs Round 1
YSC 8 at 5:00 pm
22 KBC Tropics 3
at 11 Rick Rollers 17
Playoffs Round 1
YSC 1 at 8:00 pm
17 Free State 0
at 1 Global Cafe 19
Playoffs Round 2 - Cup
YSC 2 at 9:30 pm
9 JDE Shyft 6
at 8 Honey Badgers 14
Playoffs Round 2 - Cup
YSC 5 at 8:00 pm
13 Harpies 2
at 4 Taco Zone 20
Playoffs Round 2 - Cup
YSC 6 at 9:30 pm
12 Sacred Sword 5
at 5 Shirt Factory 13
Playoffs Round 2 - Cup
YSC 3 at 9:30 pm
15 Sciport CBK 0
at 2 Johnny's 20
Playoffs Round 2 - Cup
YSC 4 at 8:00 pm
10 Young Spine 5
at 7 Red Legs 11
Playoffs Round 2 - Cup
YSC 7 at 9:30 pm
14 D-Holes 3
at 3 Post Haus 24
Playoffs Round 2 - Cup
YSC 8 at 8:00 pm
11 Rick Rollers 5
at 6 Love Garden 19
Playoffs Round 2 - Cup
YSC 2 at 8:00 pm
33 Late Fees 11
at 16 Soda Jerks 12
Playoffs Round 2 - Plate
YSC 1 at 9:30 pm
24 R-Bar 10
at 25 Sod Squad 9
Playoffs Round 2 - Plate
YSC 6 at 8:00 pm
29 Rockets 5
at 20 Midnight Tokers 24
Playoffs Round 2 - Plate
YSC 5 at 9:30 pm
28 Empire 7
at 21 Corksuckers 17
Playoffs Round 2 - Plate
YSC 4 at 9:30 pm
31 Jazzhaus 6
at 18 Ghosts 17
Playoffs Round 2 - Plate
YSC 3 at 8:00 pm
26 Woost 6
at 23 Yuengling 9
Playoffs Round 2 - Plate
YSC 8 at 9:30 pm
35 Schoonies 1
at 19 Red Lyon 13
Playoffs Round 2 - Plate
YSC 7 at 8:00 pm
27 LFK Rays 2
at 22 KBC Tropics 17
Playoffs Round 2 - Plate

Playoffs Week 2 - August 4th

YSC 1 at 5:00 pm
8 Honey Badgers 9
at 1 Global Cafe 11
Playoffs Quarters - Cup
YSC 2 at 5:00 pm
17 Free State 1
at 9 JDE Shyft 7
Playoffs Quarters - Twain
YSC 3 at 5:00 pm
5 Shirt Factory 2
at 4 Taco Zone 4
Playoffs Quarters - Cup
YSC 4 at 5:00 pm
13 Harpies 14
at 12 Sacred Sword 15
Playoffs Quarters - Twain
YSC 5 at 5:00 pm
24 R-Bar 8
at 16 Soda Jerks 6
Playoffs Quarters - Plate
YSC 6 at 5:00 pm
21 Corksuckers 2
at 20 Midnight Tokers 9
Playoffs Quarters - Plate
YSC 1 at 6:30 pm
15 Sciport CBK 14
at 10 Young Spine 15
Playoffs Quarters - Twain
YSC 2 at 6:30 pm
7 Red Legs 3
at 2 Johnny's 13
Playoffs Quarters - Cup
YSC 3 at 6:30 pm
23 Yuengling 6
at 18 Ghosts 7
Playoffs Quarters - Plate
YSC 4 at 6:30 pm
6 Love Garden 4
at 3 Post Haus 10
Playoffs Quarters - Cup
YSC 5 at 6:30 pm
14 D-Holes 6
at 11 Rick Rollers 7
Playoffs Quarters - Twain
YSC 6 at 6:30 pm
22 KBC Tropics 7
at 19 Red Lyon 9
Playoffs Quarters - Plate
YSC 1 at 8:00 pm
4 Taco Zone 5
at 1 Global Cafe 3
Playoffs Semi - Cup

Winner of 5pm YSC 1 vs Winner of 5pm YSC 3

YSC 2 at 8:00 pm
12 Sacred Sword 7
at 9 JDE Shyft 4
Playoffs Semi - Twain

Winner 5pm YSC 2 vs Winner 5pm YSC 4

YSC 3 at 8:00 pm
36 Bald Beavers 3
at 32 AsteroidHEAD 4
Playoffs Semi - Boot
YSC 4 at 8:00 pm
24 R-Bar 10
at 20 Midnight Tokers 8
Playoffs Semi - Plate

Winner 5pm YSC 5 vs Winner 5pm YSC 6

YSC 1 at 9:30 pm
11 Rick Rollers 19
at 10 Young Spine 3
Playoffs Semi - Twain

Winner 6:30pm YSC 1 vs Winner 6:30pm YSC 5

YSC 2 at 9:30 pm
3 Post Haus 2
at 2 Johnny's 8
Playoffs Semi - Cup

Winner 6:30pm YSC 2 vs Winner 6:30pm YSC 4

YSC 3 at 9:30 pm
19 Red Lyon 9
at 18 Ghosts 11
Playoffs Semi - Plate

Winner 6:30pm YSC 3 vs Winner 6:30pm YSC 6

YSC 4 at 9:30 pm
34 Ringers 10
at 30 Recess Rejects 8
Playoffs Semi - Boot

2024 Championships - August 11th

Hobbs Park at 4:00 pm
34 Ringers 10
at 32 AsteroidHEAD 7
Playoffs Final - Boot
Hobbs Park at 5:30 pm
24 R-Bar 10
at 18 Ghosts 4
Playoffs Final - Plate
Hobbs Park at 7:15 pm
12 Sacred Sword 7
at 11 Rick Rollers 11
Playoffs Final - Twain
Hobbs Park at 9:15 pm
4 Taco Zone 1
at 2 Johnny's 5
Playoffs Final - Cup