
Team Name History:

Blue Collar Press (2007) > Rockets (2012) > Reading Rockets (2019) > Rockets (2023)


May 19th | YSC 7 at 7:00 pm
Sciport CBK 17
at Rockets 2

Run rule after 7.

May 26th | YSC 5 at 7:00 pm
Rockets 2
at Yuengling 18

Run rule in 7th inning stretch. Great game to ref!

Jun 2nd | YSC 3 at 5:00 pm
Rockets 15
at Schoonies 11
Jun 9th | YSC 3 at 7:00 pm
Rockets 3
at Sacred Sword 29

SS: Alyssa bad bitch catch in 7th. Washlee amazing grand slam in 5th. Huddy great bunt 1st inning and real fast. Colby amazing kick on 1st base line in 1st. Josh amazing kick w/ RKI from a homer. Teagan flawless bunt down 3 lead off in 3rd! The way SS can kick is nuts! Rockets: Phil amazing kick to start 8th inninc. Home run lead off Kevin in 8th. Tim nice line drive to get on in 1st. Mary great bunt to lead off 2nd. Lexi with a bomb in 4th. Ladies were great! Lexi perfect bunt down 3 in 7th! Josh perfect kick between 1 and 2, RKI from 2nd!

Jun 16th | South Park at 5:00 pm
Bald Beavers 12
at Rockets 23

Rockets: Jason to Sid in 4th (illegible writing). Kevin grand slams 5th w/ 2 outs. Bald Beavers: Hauber HR 9th deep kick. The game was good. The bbq was better.

Jun 23rd | YSC 2 at 7:00 pm
Rockets 0
at Midnight Tokers 15
Jun 30th | YSC 7 at 5:00 pm
R-Bar 17
at Rockets 1

Gabi great bunt to load bases in 3rd. Skyler nice bunt RKI in 3rd. RBar kicked around 3rd. Calyx great hands at 1b. Gabi RKI with bases loaded to score Calyx in 9th. Rockets: Nice play at home by Sean in 3rd. Great kick by Lexi to lead off 4th. Nice bunt up 1B by Alyssa to lead off 6th. Great catch at SS by Tiffany to end 7th.

Jul 7th | YSC 3 at 5:00 pm
Rockets 16
at Ringers 11

Rockets: Jason as always slays in red sequins. Sean great kick to SS in top 2. Evan all three outs in CF bottom 2. Teamwork catch Sean and Jason bottom 3. Tim HR in top 5. Troy 4 for 4! HQ: Andrew nice hop to dodge getting doubled up in bottom 2. Barrett can kick! Alice is a star! Kat has amazing lipstick.

Jul 14th | YSC 1 at 5:00 pm
Empire 15
at Rockets 16

Empire: Good base coverage by Kate in 1st. Arvelle gives great hugs. Tomas to Arvelle relat to get Austin out, great throw Arvelle to Tomas. Sara great kick in the 4th, line drive dropped right behind 3rd base. Arvelle Scratched. Rockets: Lexi great foul catch in 2nd. Phil deep center kick in 2nd - in the park home run. 2 out rally in 2nd. Great kick Lexi in 6th.

Jul 21st | Hobbs Park at 7:00 pm
LFK Rays 10
at Rockets 6

LFK Rays: Dillon 2 run triple in 2nd, good catch at third base by Jesse. Rockets: Good catch at 3rd by Tim, slick running by Tim in 3rd, great tip drill catch by Tori and Riley in 4th, double play in 6th, pitcher and catch, throw out at first, great catch at 2nd by Riley in 8th.

Jul 28th | YSC 5 at 5:00 pm
36 Bald Beavers
at 29 Rockets
Playoffs Round 1 - Play-in


May 21st | YSC 4 at 5:00 pm
Ghosts 16
at Rockets 1

Great fingertip catch by Rocket's right fielder! Kelsey w/ a base hit homer! Dan comes in during the 8th for fun. Rockets with 4 outs in the 7th. Chanse with a face bump for Corbin to make the catch!

May 28th | YSC 3 at 7:00 pm
Rockets 0
at Post Haus 16

Run ruled at 8:13, both teams wanted to keep playing. Refs went to drink bottom 7.

Jun 4th | YSC 5 at 7:00 pm
Ringers 1
at Rockets 32

Bless Headquarters sweet little hearts. Run rule 32-1.

Jun 18th | Broken Arrow Park at 5:00 pm
Bald Beavers 17
at Rockets 7

Hauber homerun kick first kick of game. Lexi kicked great.

Jun 25th | YSC 7 at 5:00 pm
Rockets 18
at Schoonies 26

Alex in the park HR.

Jul 2nd | YSC 2 at 5:00 pm
Rockets 10
at Late Fees 25

Ali nice snag at pitcher. Big hugs between Jason & Miller. Run rule in the 7th.

Jul 9th | YSC 8 at 5:00 pm
Empire 22
at Rockets 16

Empire - Play at plate bottom 8, OUT; Double play by Dick at 1st in bottom of 3rdRockets - Kiley's bunts...chef's kiss; Lexi w/ the double to left center.

Jul 16th | Hobbs Park at 9:15 pm
Rockets 5
at Sod Squad 22

Sod Squad: Kristin left foot drive down 1st base line. Great catch by Ki to end the game.Rockets: Some badass catches by Kim!! Tim inside the Parker int he 9th

Jul 23rd | YSC 2 at 7:00 pm
Rockets 5
at Pawsh Wash 6

Emily hurt in 6th (scratch).

Aug 6th | YSC 2 at 5:00 pm
Rockets 0
at Soda Jerks 10

Wind kept kicks down all game. Jerks put it all together in the 6th. Had great aggressive running but Vinny missed a HR in 6th due to no 3rd base coach.

Aug 20th | YSC 7 at 6:30 pm
35 Rockets 11
at 30 Schoonies 7
Playoffs Round 1 - Play-in
Aug 20th | YSC 8 at 9:30 pm
35 Rockets 1
at 14 Red Lyon 17
Playoffs Round 2 - Plate


May 22nd | YSC 2 at 7:00 pm
Schoonies 11
at Reading Rockets 6

Tozer stranded in 2nd. Matt Mike is one person with the power of two. Travis injured in the 4th and scratched. Good thing that bucket hat is tied on Sean.

Jun 5th | YSC 5 at 5:00 pm
Ghosts 5
at Reading Rockets 4

Hanna's shorts are blinding! Dan left game in 5th with injury. Cosgrove stole 2 bases! (He made me add this.). MATT MIKE HOMER for Rockets!

Jun 19th | Holcom Right at 5:00 pm
Soda Jerks 1
at Reading Rockets 7

Epic collision before game. Derek takes out teammate. 2 run HR by (Rockets) Matt Mike bottom 4 to take lead. Josh's leg kept falling off but it didn't hold him back.

Jun 26th | YSC 1 at 7:00 pm
Reading Rockets 3
at KBC Tropics 12

Sean revealed that he has more nipples than a female dog? Rockets argued a call, rule referenced but were overruled. Hannah with the best trash talk and butt cheeks (1st inning). Beautiful kick on the gap by Piper- She is excellent at place kicking. Kyra kicked over rover and dropped in the grass in the 3rd. Lovely catch by center on Rockets 6th inning.

Jul 10th | YSC 7 at 5:00 pm
Empire 8
at Reading Rockets 16
Jul 24th | YSC 1 at 5:00 pm
Late Fees 6
at Reading Rockets 3

Good sports all around!

Jul 31st | Hobbs Park at 9:00 pm
Reading Rockets 10
at Home Loans 15

Matt-Mike drops a shot to left center for 2runs in the 1st. Tim with the 2 run shot in the 5th, Josh went home with 0 fucks given! Phil also what 2 shot double in the 5th. In park homer by leadoff Kyle in the 2nd. Double play by catcher on a pop up bunt in the 6th inning. Chris with a 3 run shot in the 7th, but gets tagged out at 2nd! 🙁

Aug 7th | YSC 7 at 6:30 pm
35 Reading Rockets 6
at 30 Soda Jerks 13
Playoffs Round 1 - Play-in
Aug 14th | YSC 4 at 9:30 pm
35 Reading Rockets
at 34 Schoonies
Playoffs Semi - Boot


May 23rd | YSC 7 at 7:00 pm
R-Bar 26
at Reading Rockets 3

Matt with 2 great grounders over 3rd base. Center right had an impressive bobbled catch. Third with a great snag. Josh found 2nd awesome hole in the outfield. Kevin with 2 grounders over 3rd. Third had good diving catch. Sean with aggressive kicking got 2nd triple. Kiley beautifully placed the ball in outfield.

Jun 6th | YSC 5 at 5:00 pm
Harpies 16
at Reading Rockets 6
Jun 20th | YSC 3 at 7:00 pm
Red Lyon 16
at Reading Rockets 3
Jun 27th | YSC 8 at 7:00 pm
Home Loans 13
at Reading Rockets 14

Catcher made a great catch in 2nd! MOST FUN WINS!!! ROCKETS! Walk off in 10th. Hanna Blodgett (sponsors of the Home Loans) walk off with Kim (Rockets) made sexy plays and got 2 RKI's and 2 catches Kiley (Rockets) is the most sexy and won the game by doing the most.

Jul 11th | Hobbs Park at 7:00 pm
Hookah House 12
at Reading Rockets 6

"Bunting is boring!" - Hannah is . Hookah has great music: Hillary and Jessie from HH Play great def. Rockets did all lady outfield in 4th and shot 3up/3 down. Katelyn from HH Rocks. Matt Mike had great diving catch in 1st. Rockets win at shit talking/ caleb ripping pants up in 6th for great pitcher catch.

Jul 18th | YSC 3 at 5:00 pm
Reading Rockets 18
at Empire 15
Jul 25th | YSC 8 at 5:00 pm
Reading Rockets 3
at MaHomies 14

2 awesome place kicks by Rocket ladies in the 6th for 2 RKIs. Mahomies Jeff Hauber 3 RKI HR in 2nd.

Aug 1st | YSC 3 at 5:00 pm
Louise's 23
at Reading Rockets 8

Marissa ran into defensive players twice unnecessarily.

Aug 8th | YSC 3 at 3:30 pm
34 Reading Rockets 3
at 31 Pawsh Wash 8
Playoffs Round 1 - Play-in

Pawsh Wash Darci killing it on offense and defense!

Aug 15th | YSC 4 at 9:30 pm
34 Reading Rockets 6
at 30 MaHomies 11
Playoffs Semi - Boot

Great catch by Kim (Rockets) in the bottom of the 7th. Best Hair: Kiley Best Outfit: Hannah Best Nails: Kevin


May 19th | Lyons West at 5:00 pm
Johnny's 30
at Reading Rockets 2

Game moved to Hobbs at 5pm; Tim pinch ran for Taylor (injured) in the 5th; Taylor too injured to play & removed from lineup; Austin w/a great diving catch in the outfield in the 8th; Rockets win most fun!; Chris was 10 minutes late to ref.; If Austin was fast he would have had a home run in the 7th:); Katie was added in the 7th; Jake was hurt in the outfield and had to change places with a teammate; Jessie was called out in the 9th for leading off first base; Both teams were a lot of fun.

Jun 9th | Holcom Left at 5:00 pm
Reading Rockets 0
at JDE 13
Jun 30th | YSC 1 at 7:00 pm
Free State 18
at Reading Rockets 2

Triple by Ian in top 4. Taylor VERY fast you go girl! Dick move in 8th inning, Ian took girl out (& not on date). Travis w/ a sweet catch in between the legs! Shane w/ a triple sliding into 3rd! Wow!! Interference on 1st-Taylor moves to 2nd.

Jul 7th | Holcom Left at 5:00 pm
MaHomies 16
at Reading Rockets 17

Extra innings! Taylor kicked a home run in the 1st inning. Taylor got a ground rule triple in the 6th.

Jul 14th | YSC 1 at 5:00 pm
Late Fees 24
at Reading Rockets 33

Phenomenal catch by Ali from Rockets on 3rd base line in 2nd. Bayley has a beautiful bun mohawk, great bomb to left by Matt Wilson.

Jul 27th | Lyons East at 5:00 pm
Reading Rockets 26
at JSC Eels 12

7/21 - Rain delay top 1st. 7/28 - 1st base Elizabeth's out --> ref might not have seen. Head ref said was out but neither head or 1st had angle to see foot not on bag.

Jul 27th | Lyons East at 6:30 pm
Crossfit 5
at Reading Rockets 19

Andrew popped a ball in top 6. Sarah burned right fielder in top 7! Respect the leg. Lad... more

Aug 4th | YSC 4 at 7:00 pm
Reading Rockets 11
at Empire 5

Kiley from Rockets has bomb ass cleats! Best game of the season hands down. Simply amazing. So many great plays. MVP of the game was Phil (Rockets) his grace and finesse on defense was matched only by his ferocity on offense. Keep an eye on that guy! He's going places. Great catch by Kylie from rockets in btm 3rd.