Ref Test

20 questions total, 15 of them need to be answered correctly to pass.
Feel free to take the test as many times as you like in order to pass, each time you take the test the 20 questions will be randomized.
Hints reference sections of the Rules.

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Player M is on 1st base and leaves before Player P kicks the ball. Is Player M out?

Can a player who is running late be put in a shared spot on the line-up prior to the start of the game if they are not there yet?

What is the minimum amount of spots that can be designated for each gender on a kicking order and what is the minimum amount of spots for a 12 person kicking order?

Player A twists their ankle in a hole in the outfield, and leaves the game. The team still has enough players of the same gender. What should happen to the lineup when Player A's kicking spot comes up?

For any player that kicks during a game, they must...

A Ground Rule Triple is when...

How many people from the offensive team (excluding baserunners) are allowed to be outside of the dugout?

Player M kicks a double and accidentally doesn't tag 1st base as they travel safely to 2nd base. Is Player M out?

What is the name of the rule that requires play to be suspended immediately for weather?

Player E is up to kick with a runner on third, no outs, and no fouls. When they kick their plant foot crosses the front of home plate, and the ref yells "Foul!".  The ball is caught in the outfield, and after properly tagging up the runner on third makes it safely home. What should happen?

How many foul kicks does it take for a kicker to be out?

Player L is on 2nd base with 1 out and no other runners on base. A line drive hits Player L while they remain stationary on the base. Is Player L out?

In which circumstance(s) is contact not necessary to rule defensive interference?

After a successful single kick Player F, while overrunning first base, thinks to try to stretch it into a double and turns towards second, taking a few steps.  Player F then decides to play it safe and begins walking back to first base. The First Baseman tags Player F with the ball before they make it back to the base. What is the call?

When runners tag and overrun 1st base, they are allowed to return to 1st base safely....

In which of these situations is a kick a Foul Ball?

How many players of each gender must be available to play before the start of a regular season game, and what is the only reason that a game can continue without that number of players of each gender?

Catcher takes a few steps back and then runs forward, without breaking the catcher's box, as the ball is pitched. Kicker bunts and the catcher fields and throws kicker out at first. What's the call?
At game time Team A only has 8 players - 4 male and 4 female. What should happen?

Player J is a baserunner on first base when Player K comes up to kick. The kick bounces in front of The First Baseman, who then takes possession of the ball, tags first base with their foot, and then tags Player J, who is still standing on the base. What is the call?