To the KVKL Community: During this last week, we have witnessed a swell of outrage from our fellow citizens about the death of George Floyd and other innocent black Americans and, truthfully, a long history of unhealed wounds that are always present, volatile, and...
From the Board
Pass the torch
2019 was a big year for the KVKL: we had our first skills competition at the Spring Charity Tourney; installed the Memorial Bench next to the scoreboard at Hobbs; re-branded the mid-summer skills clinic: Kickball is for Us; we continued to donate to Cans for the...
Overdue – Welcome to KVKL 2019
Hello Kickballers! I've been drafted to be the commissioner again this year and it is a privilege since this will be my last year serving on the KVKL board. I'm looking forward to another season filled with frenzy and furor over our favorite sport. The sunshine is...
Be Better
Hello kickball family. I'd like to take a moment and request that we all Be Better. Every Sunday, for the past 17 years, there are 3 months in the heat and humidity of these amazing Kansas summers we get to enjoy the company of teammates, friends and family. We get to...