Ref Test

For any player that kicks during a game, they must...

Runner on third. A line drive is kicked and batted in the air by the 3rd baseman. Runner then leaves the base and heads home. Ball is caught in the air by the rover who then touches 3rd base. Is the runner out?
The Kicker bunts and begins running to first base. The Catcher, stationed to the 1st base side of home plate moves towards the ball, and collides with The Kicker. What should happen?

3rd baseman crosses encroachment line before the ball is kicked. The kicker bunts and the catcher throws the kicker out. What's the call?
In which of these situations is a kick a Foul Ball?

Player M kicks a double and accidentally doesn't tag 1st base as they travel safely to 2nd base. Is Player M out?

How many defensive players are allowed to be in the defensive diamond before the ball is kicked?

What is the "Defensive Diamond"?

Situation: There is a baserunner on 3rd base and there is 1 out. The kicker kicks a ball in the air into foul territory and the right fielder catches the ball. The baserunner on third base runs home after the catch. How many outs are there and what is the call?

Situation: A runner is on 3rd base. The ball is kicked down the 3rd base line. The runner runs toward home base and the ball barely hits their foot in fair territory then bounces off into foul territory before passing 3rd base.

Can balls and strikes be called?

Player D shows up at 5:20 for their teams 5:00 game, which is now in the fourth inning. The team is already using all 12 kicking spots. Are they allowed to be added to the lineup?

Beside the foul lines and how the ball lands, what can be used to determine if a ball is kicked foul?

A Ground Rule Triple is when...

Player E is up to kick with a runner on third, no outs, and no fouls. When they kick their plant foot crosses the front of home plate, and the ref yells "Foul!".  The ball is caught in the outfield, and after properly tagging up the runner on third makes it safely home. What should happen?

Can a player who is running late be put in a shared spot on the line-up prior to the start of the game if they are not there yet?

Player L is in right field, attempting a catch on a long fly ball. They misjudge the ball, which hits them in the head and bounces over the back fence, without touching the ground. What is the call?

A Ground Rule Double is when...

Situation: There are zero outs, there is a runner on 1st, and a runner on 3rd. A ball is kicked into the air and bounces off a outfielder. The runner on 1st then leaves leaves 1st base toward 2nd. The outfielder then catches the ball without it ever touching the ground. Then the runner on 3rd base leaves 3rd toward home. The ball is thrown to and controlled by the pitcher before either runner reaches their next base. The pitcher immediately takes the ball to tag 1st base. The runner that was at 1st before the play is now stopped on 2nd base, and the runner that was on 3rd base has crossed the home place. So, how many outs are there after the play ends?

After a successful single kick Player F, while overrunning first base, thinks to try to stretch it into a double and turns towards second, taking a few steps.  Player F then decides to play it safe and begins walking back to first base. The First Baseman tags Player F with the ball before they make it back to the base. What is the call?