Ref Test

20 questions total, 15 of them need to be answered correctly to pass.
Feel free to take the test as many times as you like in order to pass, each time you take the test the 20 questions will be randomized.
Hints reference sections of the Rules.

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In which of these situations is a kick a Foul Ball?

How many people from the offensive team (excluding baserunners) are allowed to be outside of the dugout?

Player H is a baserunner on third base, with the bases loaded. A line-drive kick hits player H while they are standing on the base, in fair territory. Player H runs home, and everyone else advances successfully. What should be the call?

For any player that kicks during a game, they must...

Situation: There is a baserunner at 1st base. A line drive is kicked by the kicking player. The baserunner on first starts running to 2nd base, then sees the shortstop make a diving catch of the ball, they then run back and touch 1st base and start running to 2nd as the pitcher receives a throw from the shortstop. The base runner then stops and goes back to 1st base. The pitcher then throws the ball to 1st in order to try and get the runner out before they reach 1st base safely. Can the defense get a Force Out at 1st base?

Player L is in right field, attempting a catch on a long fly ball. They misjudge the ball, which hits them in the head and bounces over the back fence, without touching the ground. What is the call?

Runner on third. A line drive is kicked and batted in the air by the 3rd baseman. Runner then leaves the base and heads home. Ball is caught in the air by the rover who then touches 3rd base. Is the runner out?
Players A, B, and C are kicking in that order in the lineup. Player A kicks and successfully makes it to first base. Player C kicks next, safely making it to first and moving Player A to second.  The referee then realizes that Player B was skipped. What should happen?

Player A twists their ankle in a hole in the outfield, and leaves the game. The team still has enough players of the same gender. What should happen to the lineup when Player A's kicking spot comes up?

What is the minimum amount of spots that can be designated for each gender on a kicking order and what is the minimum amount of spots for a 12 person kicking order?

Ball is kicked and hits the top of the outfield fence. The ball pops and sticks to the fence. What's the call?
What is the name of the rule that requires play to be suspended immediately for weather?

A Ground Rule Triple is when...

Situation: A runner is on 3rd base. The ball is kicked down the 3rd base line. The runner runs toward home base and the ball barely hits their foot in fair territory then bounces off into foul territory before passing 3rd base.

The Kicker bunts and begins running to first base. The Catcher, stationed to the 1st base side of home plate moves towards the ball, and collides with The Kicker. What should happen?

A Ground Rule Double is when...

After a successful single kick Player F, while overrunning first base, thinks to try to stretch it into a double and turns towards second, taking a few steps.  Player F then decides to play it safe and begins walking back to first base. The First Baseman tags Player F with the ball before they make it back to the base. What is the call?

When runners tag and overrun 1st base, they are allowed to return to 1st base safely....

Player M is on 1st base. Player P kicks a pop-up to the outfield. The defensive player catches the ball. Player M leaves 1st base before the outfield makes initial contact with the ball. Is Player M out?

Can balls and strikes be called?