Rain, rain, go away, come again another day. Like when we don’t have kickball to play!!
Since there were no games to report on this week, I thought I would take this opportunity to discuss an often overlooked, yet extremely important part of what makes kickball so fun, namely kickball crushes.
We all have them, but what is it that makes your kickball crush so special? Is it the way the blinding sunlight plays in their hair, distracting you from the game? Or maybe the way their smoldering dark eyes burn a hole right into your soul as they catch your pop up in the outfield?
Arguments could be made for a strictly appearance based approach- the crush is founded upon physical appearance. Whether its a set of toned, well-defined arms, or perhaps its that perfect handle bar mustache that sets them apart, but whatever the reason, you are drawn, inexplicably to their game each week, even though its on the other side of town. Beer after beer drained, watching them, waiting for the opportunity to talk to them to present itself.
Or maybe you are attracted to their sweet ball-related skills. Kicking, catching, throwing, running, a healthy combination of these is enough to get even the most hardened veteran to take notice. Who wouldn’t want to get a little closer to some hot young stud, or studette, who knocks your socks off on the field. Perhaps those skills transfer to another area where socks come off? Not sure who they are or what their name is, but you hope each week to get a chance to see them play, spending countless minutes creeping on their team’s schedule online.
So don’t feel alone, we all have at least one kickball crush. Aren’t you already looking forward to getting your stalk on next week? Some crushes change each season, some remain the same year after year. Whatever the reason behind your kickball crush, doesn’t it make Sundays even more fun?