Monday Morning – Week 3 Review

Another amazing Sunday of Kaw Valley Kickball in the bag!  The scores are posted, and it looks like teams are maturing as games get more and more competitive.  I was out at Holcolm for the 5:30 and 7 o’clock games, and there were some great ones.  I think Das Boot has been mislabeled as Das Bunt, I only remember them bunting twice and we got the out both times (though, there were some perfectly placed short kicks to third base that we never quite figured out how to defend).  Das Boot can kick with the best of them and we struggled to figure out a solid defense.  During our game we saw Michael from Das Boot kick a homer over the tall fence, Styles from the Late Fees go full extension to catch a ball, and myself yell at a ref for the first time ever (which my team described as adorable).  The 7 o’clock games at Holcolm Left and Right were possibly the two best games of the night.  Love Garden took the Screamers into extra innings, eventually winning the game 10 to 9.  Love Garden said it was one of the most intensely competitive games they have ever played, and apparently Chris Ford had an amazing and ill advised home run that would help Love Garden walk away with the win.  The Replay Rowdies vs. Balls Deep was a back and forth battle between two teams that were having a fucking great time.  The Rowdies struggled at first but eventually pulled ahead with a few high scoring innings.  Bickle might be one of my favorite players in the league, as he caught a deep kick to center, then was able to do some sort of weird high-stepping dance in the outfield, and followed it with an immediate and incredible throw to third cutting off the runner on second to keep him from tagging up and advancing.  The game stayed within one or two points for the last few innings, and despite a late game homer over the fence (200 plus feet, no big deal), Balls Deep fell to the unpredictable Rowdies.  I’ve talked too much, how did your games go?

Also, Patrick Guy posted this on facebook, ” I lost my phone last night at game of the week. HTC Evo. It is my only connection to the world. Please get back to me if you found it.” Let’s find Guy’s phone!


Coach Billy Gay Cyrus


The new seventh inning stretch lyrics:

Take me out to the ball game

take me out to Hobbs park

Eat veggie tacos and drink some beer

Cheer really loud so the neighbors can hear

Let’s root root root for KAW VALLEY

‘Coz kickball’s a really fun game

For it’s one two NO four fouls your out

At the kick-ball game!