This just in…….the Keno’s curse is gone.

Some thoughts about last Sunday, the league, and so on:

I attempted to go to sleep around 12:00 a.m. and failed miserably.  It took me forty or so minutes to decompress while (lying in bed) I went over the some of the plays in my head.  I eventually frowned myself to sleep picking apart my own performance.   It’s what I do.  Instead of hanging out with my celebrating teammates, I tried to steal some sleep before an early morning shift (4:00 a.m.).  Poor planning on my part.  I do hope everyone made it home safely! 

Does anyone think the three game alignment (in one day) is still a bad idea?  Make those remaining teams earn their wins, gol-darn-it!  One game a weekend stinks when it could be two (or three).  Though, I was still hobbling around 48 hours after the games.    

Oh, and thanks to Andy Greenhaw and the rest of the UDK’ers who were at the championship game to ‘support’ and feature (in today’s paper) the KVKL.  Way to use your powers of observation and NOT focus on the alcohol consumption while pandering to Kansas (it is the UDK) students!  Nice.  Makes the story more interesting (injuries, booze and all).  Enjoy a long career at the Elk Snout Hollow Tribune covering lumberjack contests.  Link below (no hard feelings).

Sorry.  I’m a bit sensitive about the hyper-focus on drinking.  Anyways…

(re: the champioship game) The two HR balls kicked @ Hobbs (one to right by Andy L. and one to left by Cort R.) were two of the three farthest balls I’ve seen kicked there.  Jesus Christ!  Andy torched me while I was playing WAAAY to shallow.  If I were playing back 10 feet, I wouldn’t have gotten there….not even in my prime.  Nice shot Andy (who is a year older than I)!  I thought that was ballgame.  Cort’s bomb was huge.  Not just in distance, but it came when there were two outs (in the 9th) with runners on and when we needed it most.  Considering all those factors (and my current lack of perspective), it’s the best kick I’ve ever seen.  W…O…W.  MVP anyone?   

Anyone know these guys? (Small script alert…I don’t know what the hell happened.)

Mike Pergande, Cougar, Adrian Proctor, Brett Allen, Jason Holladay, Rob Zernickow, Shawn Miller, Aaron Swaggerty, Nick Lerner, Geoff Wright, Brad Keirns, Troy Pomeroy, Adam Brazil, and Curtis the Pooh.

You should.  These are the gentlemen who took time out of their Sunday’s to babysit a bunch of whiny kickballers and ref the final seven games.  I believe they deserve praise and respect for their work.  You certainly have mine.  Great job guys!  Hope I’m not missing anybody (one person maybe?).  Please let me know if I have.  

I have much more respect for Jazzhaus after playing them.  They kick the ball very well.  Their outfield is exceptional and their infield play is above average.  I believe they will be even better next year.  They scored 5 runs on us in the first inning and 2 the rest of the way.  One was a solo shot (over Cort, JG LF).  One came on a line drive single.  The last three came when Andy (JG CF) and I collided as we were both tracking the same ball.  I had the ball in my hands and dropped it when Andy dropped me.  The ball shot up in the air, bounced away from us and a-round the bases they went.  Talk about kick placement.  I only heard Andy call for it at the last second.  The collision looked worse than it was, but I was a bit shaken for the rest of the day.  As Andy pointed out, it could’ve been much worse.  Regardless, this was the first season in four years I escaped without injury. 

KVKL Party Friday night anyone?  Five dollar entry @ Liberty Hall.  9:00-9:30 start time.  I liked going to the Granada, but this venue should be great for the KVKL.

Would anyone be willing to become the administrator on this blog starting next year (Jan. 1)?  Or, do a different blog?  I was hoping to try a new format.  Here are some of the folks (off the top of my head) that I think would be great:

Adrian Proctor, Mike Pergande, Jacki Becker, Kelly Cocoran, Adam Patterson, Shawn Miller, Aaron Swaggerty, Chris Ford, Adina Scanland (already has her own), Kris Graves, Geoff Wright, Phil Chiles, Mike Tiffany, and Andrea Vieux.

Coug, I have more deviant plans for you.  I know you will not be denied your voice.

Final top eleven:

1. Jayhawk Guttering 2. Sun Creations

3. Jazzhaus 4. Sacred Sword

5. Eastsiders 6. Love Garden

7.  Red Lyon 8. Mad Greek

9. (tie) Eldridge, Screamers, and Teller’s

Nice season everybody!  Let’s keep working on this thing to make it even better next year.  Input?  Look for a post-post season tourney in late Sept. or early Oct.  If that doesn’t work out, look for a preseason tournament in Spring ’09.  Cheers!  See you Friday…..