This is the week the board gets up early Sunday morning, gathers the white bases, cones and spray paint to mow and mark our favorite fields from the past on grass….
Hurtz Donut D-Holes at Up to Eleven Late Fees – South Park – Rumor has it Bickel is bringing a TV, we have wireless and the USA/Portugal game will be showing while these two teams, both huge lovers of grass and football, play it old school style. There is going to be a four team BBQ plus a keg for the Fees first shut out of the year. Sorry Spacepussy I had to give my team a lil motivation for our game while I was away and nothing is a greater than the thrill of free beer. D-Holes gonna stick it to the Fees by six beers.
Happy Shirt at Murda Inc – South Park 7pm – Two teams whose original line ups remain in tact and remember the years of playing at our old home for championship games at south park. Will the stickiness of grass tweak the bunt strength of Happy Shirt? Will Ninja Dan force the happy shirt to a keg stand competition before the game? No matter what this game is going to be tight. Happy Shirt by two keg stands.
Rats at Space Pussy – Edgewood 5pm – Hey Space Pussy the Rats are undefeated in the Carrie Nation bracket, however they are also a relatively new team and might not be as well versed on grass playing. Use that to your advantage. In addition maybe their team also is into fuhtbol and will be listening to the match during your game. Just distract them with two colored cleats, awesome haricuts and vuvuela’s and a few runs will be yours. Spacepussy will score 2.
Harper Valley PTA at Ghosts – Edgewood 7pm – This is the park that Harper Valley PTA always practiced on. They know the lay of the land. But keep in mind the Ghosts have pitcher Diana Garcia who has been pitching in the KVKL before the great peeing in the bushes debacle of 2011 at Edgewood. If the Harpies can get away without making any major defensive errors this game could be close. However I think the Ghosts will pull it out by 5.
Sacred Sword at Goats – Woodlawn 5pm – Over the years the Goats and Sacred Sword have always been rivals. Sword with their dark ferocious defense seems to always rain on the parade of tricky runner Shaher Ibrahimi (remember that girl sandwich double play at game of the week?) I think people are underestimating the Sword this year. I think Chase Ownby is going to channel his big brother (HAMBURGLAR!!) and lead the Sword to a one run win over the goats. But expect a lot of bleating both on and off the field. This is one of my MUST SEE games this week. Sword by one lone run.
Bad News Bagels at Wildman Attack Force – Woodlawn 7pm – The heroes of game of the week last week will be playing a team who I know wants to be watching the USA game. Yet I also know that the Wildman will never let anything get into the way of kickball on a Sunday. Woodlawn’s field is a crap shoot, there are divots and a huge playground out in center field. Please CJ (or Simon if you are back) kick a ball onto the playground. I know you can do it. Running bases is a bit more difficult on grass so Wildman should be able to keep the speeding Bagels under control. Wildman by 5.
Channel 6 at Wheres my Pitches – Fenway 5pm – Channel 6 for the first time this season had their full team on the field last week. They de-panted the shorts off of Chalmersiz in week three. We all know they are a team to watch. However do they all want to watch the World Cup game? Where’s My Pitches, these fields are short and if you can get some solid line drives around Channel 6 you have a shot of staying with them. Channel 6 by their channel number.
Bulletproof Tigers at Screamers – Fenway 7pm – Since I know that Cougar is a bit superstitious, hopefully there aren’t any Ghosts at our Fenway field. If there are may they bring lots of power from DiMaggio and Carlton Fisk or even Wade Boggs. Screamers have been looking solid so hopefully Cougar and his band of kickball newbies can try to not get blown Sunday night. Screamers by eight.
Terrebonne Po’Boys at Merchants of Death – Wrigley 3PM! Two teams that were able to successfully have all their members available to move their game to an earlier slot. My guess is this game is going to be full on fun. Teams heavy in the service industry playing a lil early and then meeting together after the game to watch the USA Portugal game at Merchants. If you want to get your kickball watching in early come to the fairgrounds for this one in the afternoon. Po’Boys by 14.
Das Boot at AsteroidHEAD – Wrigley 7pm – If you read my earlier post from the mind of Kris Marshall you are aware that Das Boot is good, good and fun. You put them up against the free thinkers of asteroidHEAD and who knows what could happen. If Das Boot takes it to the fence every time there’s not much the head can do. If Das Boot decides cheering for USA involves drinking every time a player “falls down in injury” the game could take a turn to be a bit closer in score. My guess Das Boot pushes it to the limit. 17 to 7.
Chalmersiz at Basil Ride – Cowser 5pm – Not sure if the chalmersiz shorts were too short or not short enough last Sunday in their loss to the Toepokes by a few. Basil Ride took down the Rockets a few weeks earlier and had a very solid performance at game of the week. Thanks for the turtle race!! There’s always something new and exciting at game of the week. If Basil Ride does the right amount of carb-loading and wears their sweet new yellow tees wisely and the Chalmersiz get their undies in a bundle (if they wear em) this will be a very very close match. Chalmersiz by 2.
Jazzhaus at Free State Growlers – 6:30m Cowser – This is another pick for must see match up of the week. Two long-standing downtown local businesses facing off at the Fairgrounds, doesn’t get more townie than that. There is the issue of the mound at Cowser we shall see if that affects how the game is played. Jazzhaus is finding their inner team power, could be those sweet new black and neon tank tops they are sporting this year. This game will go down to the 9th inning with the Jazzhaus kicking it into high gear and wining by one.
Brewballers at Kunt Punts 8pm Cowser – First off there will be lights at the park. We promise, I’ve triple checked with the city. Last week Brewballers struggled with losing some players at the last minute against the Bagels. The Kunt Punts seem to be hanging on week in and week out with some pretty good teams. Must be Clint’s sweet new short haircut speeding their team up. Kunt Punts by five.
Hotel Lobby at Los Matadores – Broken Arrow – 5pm NOW AT 7PM. Talk about another must see game this week. Hotel Lobby and their go-pro are one of the few undefeated teams out there. They are consistent but have they been challenged yet this season? Los Matadores also undefeated with their sweet new royal blue tank tops and are ready to bunt and positively speed around the bases because “Negativity and Hulkamania are two things that don’t go together.” This game could go either way but I gotta give it to the Hulksters by two.
Red Lyon at Love Garden Squids – Broken Arrow Park – This game is currently in the process of being rescheduled. Rumor has it that it will be some kind of an early afternoon game at Hobbs. When this game happens I am 100% certain it will be the DON’T MISS game of the afternoon. Two old school teams, tons of personal rivalries. One team likes to chug beer and school you at base running, the other team is evolving into a team that puts the fun and relaxation back into our fave sport (see Hawaiian shirt day / Rock n roll t-shirt day). Here’s hoping for the rematch we can all watch. If I were to pick a score today I would say Squids by three, but a very nasty three.
Rockets at Taco Tuesday – GAME OF THE WEEK – Broken Arrow – Once sometimes twice a year due to softball tournaments we are unable to play at Hobbs. This Sunday is such the case. So after you play on grass across the city and finish up at the fairgrounds get your asses onto the bleachers of Broken Arrow for week four game of the week. The Rockets are still working to find their inner chi, we all know they have the talent they just need to put it all together. Taco Tuesday is still in their development stages and here’s hoping they find a rhythm this week. The one thing taco has going for them is the their pitcher. Chelsey Scanland is THEE ultimate meatball pitcher. Her pitches are fast bouncy and pretty fucked up. Can the Rockets wait it out pitch after pitch until they find one they like? I think Rockets are gonna shoot to the moon this week. Look for flying Koozies and hopefully free tacos for those in attendance!