Honey Badgers

Team Name History:

Rats, The (2013) > Honey Badgers (2021)


May 19th | YSC 1 at 5:00 pm
Honey Badgers 5
at Global Cafe 20

HB didn't check the ball and it was flat (deflategate!), changed ball in top 3. Sick ass catch on Kyra to end 4th. In the park HR to score 3 by Matt in 1st. Matt RKO King! Sick in the park HR in 6th by Isacc. Sick throw by Eric on Jimmy in bottom 3.

May 26th | Hobbs Park at 9:15 pm
Taco Zone 20
at Honey Badgers 6

CF great catch in 1st inning.

Jun 2nd | YSC 6 at 5:00 pm
Red Legs 15
at Honey Badgers 3

Trey inside park homerun 6th.

Jun 9th | YSC 5 at 7:00 pm
Honey Badgers 29
at Empire 0
Jun 16th | South Park at 7:00 pm
D-Holes 7
at Honey Badgers 10

D-Holes: Great catch by Sam to end 2nd. Honey Badgers: Bottom 3 Brooksy bunted and touched the ball again in fair territory. In 4 Lucas did a front flip to dodge a throw and landed both feet on home to finish the HR.

Jun 23rd | YSC 5 at 7:00 pm
Honey Badgers 12
at JDE Shyft 5

HB: Kenny ballsy back to back doubles top 5. Kenny great kicks all game. Sav awesome bunt top 8. JDE: Kaelyn awesome catch to end 6th. Doc beautiful 1B line bunt bottom 4. Mendoza perfect liner in 4th.

Jun 30th | YSC 3 at 7:00 pm
Corksuckers 0
at Honey Badgers 8

Cork: Great sliding catch by HB CF in top of 1. Great play by Aliyah in top of 7th. Awesome kick by Ben to burn CF for 2B in top of 7th. HB: Clutch 2 RKI single with 2 outs by Kenny in bottom of 5. Great plays by corksucker's 3B throughout the game.

Jul 7th | YSC 7 at 7:00 pm
Love Garden 11
at Honey Badgers 1

There was a beautiful rainbow in the sky, Shipley: "It was great". Even though you can see it in the dots I carefully filled in, both teams had a foul out. Great base movement by Badgers in bottom 6 to advance on a col(?)

Jul 14th | YSC 8 at 5:00 pm
Honey Badgers 4
at Post Haus 18
Jul 21st | YSC 4 at 5:00 pm
Young Spine 9
at Honey Badgers 10

Young Spine: Owen had a great double play in the 5th, Tyler tied the game with a great kick in the 7th. Honey B's: Dustin with a great line drive over center fielder in the 1st. Honeybadgers controlled the first half of the game and then Spine took over. In the 9th HB pulled it off.

Jul 28th | YSC 1 at 6:30 pm
25 Sod Squad 2
at 8 Honey Badgers 9
Playoffs Round 1
Jul 28th | YSC 2 at 9:30 pm
9 JDE Shyft 6
at 8 Honey Badgers 14
Playoffs Round 2 - Cup
Aug 4th | YSC 1 at 5:00 pm
8 Honey Badgers 9
at 1 Global Cafe 11
Playoffs Quarters - Cup


May 21st | YSC 3 at 7:00 pm
Honey Badgers 17
at Love Garden 12
May 28th | YSC 5 at 5:00 pm
Honey Badgers 15
at Ringers 0

15-0 in 7th. Both teams kept playing, refs no longer keeping score.

Jun 4th | YSC 2 at 5:00 pm
Honey Badgers 8
at Johnny's 12

Lucas from HB layed out for a diving catch in center field

Jun 18th | Broken Arrow Park at 7:00 pm
Red Lyon 3
at Honey Badgers 6

"Watch the game on FB if you want notes."

Jun 25th | YSC 6 at 5:00 pm
JDE 17
at Honey Badgers 10

Aaron catching bunts at pitcher. Kory so close to knocking them out of the park. RJ was part of all 3 outs in the 5th. Kenny catching a bunt and low drive in 7th. Kori out of the park in the 7th. RJ over OFs head in 7th. Poff got 2 RKIs from a fast drive knocked out of play. Josh is killing it with plays down 3rd. Shaker out in 3rd because didn't cross to the safety area when running to first. Josh with a out of the park HR in 8th. Too bad no one was on base. Mikayla kicked in socks at the beginning.

Jul 9th | YSC 5 at 7:00 pm
Honey Badgers 17
at Harpies 15

Honeybadgers - Zach sweet diving catch on Max's kick to right in 5th. Harpies - Thomas great diving catch in top 9, may have hurt right shoulder; Aaron almost HR in 2nd - 2 run triple instead.

Jul 16th | YSC 2 at 5:00 pm
R-Bar 6
at Honey Badgers 18

There was confusion in the 8th. Lacy was skipped. Mostly my fault (Dover). R-Bar was very cool about it.

Jul 23rd | YSC 8 at 7:00 pm
Global Cafe 19
at Honey Badgers 7

Great kick by Kenny to C in 1st. Nice kick 2RKI in 4th, bases loaded. Val 2 RKI. Savannah with amazing pop up one handed dive in top 8. Global ready from the get go, great place kicking! Matt Mike quick AF. Mike amazing bunt in top of 9, so did Liv!

Aug 6th | YSC 2 at 7:00 pm
Post Haus 11
at Honey Badgers 5
Aug 20th | YSC 7 at 5:00 pm
27 Bunt N Grind 7
at 6 Honey Badgers 22
Playoffs Round 1
Aug 20th | YSC 8 at 8:00 pm
11 D-Holes 19
at 6 Honey Badgers 17
Playoffs Round 2 - Cup
Aug 27th | YSC 8 at 5:00 pm
19 Sacred Sword 5
at 6 Honey Badgers 14
Playoffs Quarters - Twain
Aug 27th | YSC 7 at 6:30 pm
10 KBC Tropics 5
at 6 Honey Badgers 9
Playoffs Semi - Twain
Aug 27th | YSC 1 at 8:00 pm
17 Sod Squad 3
at 6 Honey Badgers 11
Playoffs Final - Twain


May 22nd | YSC 7 at 5:00 pm
Red Lyon 5
at Honey Badgers 12

2 run HR by Kory (Badgers) bottom 5. The wheels came off in the 8th for The Lyon.

May 29th | YSC 2 at 7:00 pm
Schoonies 4
at Honey Badgers 24

Game ended 7th inning do to 20 run differential run rule after 5 innings. Good game! Fun to ref! Pitcher Aliyah, for Badgers is really good/fast! Lots of potential for Louises, just avoid getting lead base runner out.

Jun 5th | YSC 1 at 7:00 pm
Honey Badgers 6
at Harbour 15

Honey Badgers LF likes to take his shirt off for defense-never mind he was shirtless when he kicked in 8th inning. Badgers aggressive offense in 9th.Solid kick- double by Jess in the 3rd. Harbour Lights has nice ink.

Jun 12th | YSC 3 at 5:00 pm
Honey Badgers 13
at D-Holes 2

1) Good catch pitcher. Good 2 out rally by D-Holes 2) NADA 3) Blood on ball. Zach collision, Lucas big jump into home. Very intense game.

Jun 19th | Hobbs Park at 9:00 pm
Love Garden 14
at Honey Badgers 12

Sam made a fantastic catch to win the game. Awesome base running by Val! Turned some errors into a triple in the 6th. Eric scored in the 9th with aggressive base-running.

Jun 26th | YSC 4 at 5:00 pm
Honey Badgers 14
at XXXoxo 3

Heather stopped the bleeding to end the runs in the 8th. Emberly burned Badgers in bottom of 7th.

Jul 10th | YSC 4 at 7:00 pm
Shirt Factory 13
at Honey Badgers 12

Bri threw a rock at me 🙁 2x.

Jul 17th | YSC 8 at 5:00 pm
Honey Badgers 29
at Sacred Sword 7

Kory bounce over the fence for triple in 5th 2 RKIs. Kory home run in the 8th.

Jul 24th | YSC 7 at 7:00 pm
Soda Jerks 2
at Honey Badgers 22
Jul 31st | Hobbs Park at 7:00 pm
Honey Badgers 16
at Drop Stoppers 5

Double play 3rd to 1st in the 3rd inning then 1st to home. Val scratch for injury in 6th. Illegal lineup didn't catch in until the 6th. M/F was not labelled. Score after game was 16-Honey Badgers 5-Drop Stoppers

Aug 7th | YSC 1 at 6:30 pm
25 R-Bar 4
at 8 Honey Badgers 20
Playoffs Round 1
Aug 7th | YSC 2 at 9:30 pm
9 JWE 11
at 8 Honey Badgers 4
Playoffs Round 2 - Cup

Winner of 8v25 will play winner of 9v24

Aug 14th | YSC 2 at 5:00 pm
17 Jazzhaus 1
at 8 Honey Badgers 7
Playoffs Quarters - Twain
Aug 14th | YSC 2 at 8:00 pm
8 Honey Badgers 10
at 5 Red Lyon 7
Playoffs Semi - Twain
Aug 21st | Hobbs Park at 7:15 pm
14 D-Holes 5
at 8 Honey Badgers 6
Playoffs Final - Twain

Best catch in the history of KVKL! Ok probably not the best, but fucking awesome. Connor kicks to left, ball bounces off Ethan's foot in left field, and Ariel catches it.


May 23rd | YSC 1 at 5:00 pm
Honey Badgers 29
at Louise's 3
May 30th | YSC 2 at 7:00 pm
Ghosts 1
at Honey Badgers 9

B3: Fingertip catch by 1st base for 3rd out. Great 3rd base liner by Corrie. Brian ran from 2nd to home on deflection at 1st to score first run for the Ghosts. Laci caught 3rd out. Laci kicked 2 in with 2 outs, Brittany kicked to the grass to get on first.

Jun 6th | YSC 1 at 5:00 pm
Honey Badgers 14
at Jazzhaus 4

Jess found a hole in the grass in 2nd and BURNED outfield. Kenny's arm appears faster than Ricks farm team. Harrison had unlucky trip in third. Sydney scratched bottom of 5th; phenomenal diving catch by Lucas from Badgers in eighth. Rick given warning on the DBAD rule.

Jun 13th | YSC 7 at 5:00 pm
Soda Jerks 5
at Honey Badgers 14
Jun 20th | YSC 7 at 7:00 pm
Muddy Waters 16
at Honey Badgers 5
Jun 27th | YSC 6 at 5:00 pm
Honey Badgers 16
at D-Holes 6

T4: Dillon 3 run HR, offense had hands on ball. T6: Running catch in outfield for 3rd out.

Jul 11th | YSC 4 at 7:00 pm
Love Garden 6
at Honey Badgers 4
Jul 18th | YSC 2 at 5:00 pm
at Honey Badgers 1
Jul 25th | YSC 6 at 7:00 pm
Honey Badgers 22
at Shirt Factory 9

Ford injured in 5th. Aaron tapped up 3rd out so 2nd could catch the ball. Sarah (Honeybadgers) tap up to help OF catch fly ball. LSF catcher caught bunt in top 7 for big 2nd out. Badgers RJ and Dillon had 2 2 RKI doubles

Aug 1st | YSC 6 at 5:00 pm
Honey Badgers 13
at Red Lyon 18

Nick ground rule triple in 2nd. Jerrod in park home run. Austin over fence home run.

Aug 8th | YSC 4 at 5:00 pm
23 Soda Jerks 4
at 10 Honey Badgers 11
Playoffs Round 1
Aug 8th | YSC 4 at 8:00 pm
10 Honey Badgers 14
at 7 Red Legs 15
Playoffs Round 2 - Cup

Red Legs walkoff in the 11th

Aug 15th | YSC 1 at 6:30 pm
15 XXXoxo 11
at 10 Honey Badgers 10
Playoffs Quarters - Twain

Great base running by Emberly (XXX). Heather double play in bottom 13.


May 19th | YSC 2 at 7:00 pm
Rats 7
at Black Stag 16
Jun 2nd | Hobbs Park at 7:00 pm
Rats 15
at 23rd St. 2

THAT'S A STAT!!! Triple play by screamers in the top 8 bases loaded Brad kick caught, Zach tagged out, Larry tagged out on heel.

Jun 9th | YSC 3 at 7:00 pm
Woost 7
at Rats 13
Jun 16th | Lyons East at 5:00 pm
Red Legs 6
at Rats 3
Jun 30th | Lyons West at 7:00 pm
Rats 30
at Late Fees 2
Jul 7th | YSC 2 at 7:00 pm
Rats 14
at Red Lyon 5
Jul 14th | Lyons East at 7:00 pm
Chalmersiz 2
at Rats 3
Jul 21st | Holcom Left at 5:00 pm
Rats 13
at Pawsh Wash 1

#10 warning white bag. bottom 1st Bryson HR off fielder. Nick warned 2x bottom seventh over line.

Jul 27th | YSC 6 at 8:00 pm
ReBoot XXX 4
at Rats 3
Aug 4th | Hobbs Park at 9:00 pm
Corksuckers 4
at Rats 9

DP to end list (1st catch then thrown out) DP to end game. Homerun by Val 4th inning. DP to end the 4th. Kenny most underrated 3rd baseman?